The Jewel Store Job (Smart Approach)

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The mission starts with the chosen crew all meeting at Darnell Bros, doing a final briefing before starting the heist. Michael and Franklin drive to Vangelico together in the car with the driver, gunman and hacker in the van with the getaway bikes.

Michael drops Franklin off round the back of the store, who makes his way up to the roof through building work going on at a nearby store. Once on the roof, Franklin throws the BZ gas into the air vent. A cutscene shows the gas leaking into Vangelico, with everyone in the store dropping to the floor.

Michael, the gunman and the driver ransack the store while Franklin goes to fetch the bikes. The hacker will delay the alarm but depending on which hacker is chosen depends on the time you get. Paige Harris gives you 90 seconds.

Once they have a large enough take, the three head outside to a traffic warden hounding Franklin. Michael interjects, throws the warden to the ground and says "You forget a thousand things every day, pal, make sure this is one of 'em". Michael leaves the store on foot, switching the play over to Franklin, who is now escaping with the take on motorbikes with the gunman and the driver.

The trio makes their way around the streets of Los Santos, with a four-star heat on their backs. They make their way through an underground tunnel that leads to the Los Santos sewer network.

They make their way out of the sewers, out onto the Los Santos river but the police have worked out their plan and are awaiting them. Play switches to Michael, who uses a van to crash into the pursuing cop cars through the river.

Once at the end of the river, the heat has died down and everyone comes to a halt. The bikes are loaded back onto the van and they all drive in the van back to the lockup. Once at the lockup, Lester tells the crew they'll get their cut once the jewels are sold. The group splits up to avoid any extra heat.

After the mission has been completed, the play switches to Franklin who's in the Vanilla Unicorn, on the phone to Tanisha. She's telling Franklin that she doesn't care about his new wealth and that it's never been what she was looking for. She notices the music in the background and gets angry with Franklin, saying he's still immature. The call ends with Franklin stating he's going to change.

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