Surveying the Score

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Michael, Lester and Franklin all meet Trevor and Maddie at the Vanilla Unicorn to plan the Union Depository heist. Trevor and Maddie explain they want to get Merryweather and the FIB off their tails and do one big score. They also want to bust Brad out of jail.

The group plan how they are going to rob the Union Depository. Michael and Franklin decide to survey the Union Depository building while Trevor, Maddie and Lester scope out the Securicars routes for a hijack point. Time is tight. The team only have three hours to complete the tasks.

Michael and Franklin drive to the Union Depository and scope out the front entrance and garage access, both lightly guarded. After that's done, play switches to Trevor and Maddie, who is driving him, Maddie and Lester to Sandy Shores Airfield. On the way there, Trevor and Maddie talk to Lester about breaking Brad out of jail.

Trevor, Maddie and Lester get into Trevor's and Maddie's Frogger and fly to Murrieta heights. There, they find the Securicar convoy and tails them, finding a place to ambush them. Trevor and Maddie suggest various ambush places but Lester keeps rejecting them all until the convoy goes under one of the skyscrapers in Downtown Los Santos, making a perfect spot for a hijack.

Now they've found the hijack spot, Lester wants to investigate an escape route. he remembers a construction site near the building which leads into the Los Santos Transit metro tunnel. They find the site and Lester records some footage of the site.

Once done, the trio head back to the airfield to drop off the Frogger. They discuss how they're going to get the take away from the Union Depository, either by chopper or in the armoured trucks. Once back at the airfield, play switches to Michael, who is dropping Franklin back home.

GTA 5 (Trevor x Maddie)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat