Cleaning out the Bureau

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Michael and Maddie head to Darnell Bros to meet up with Lester. They're soon joined by Dave. Dave says the shit is about to hit the fan and says if Michael and Maddie sort out a problem for him, he'll get Haines off of their backs. Michael and Maddie ask what will happen if they don't to which Dave replies that he will go to jail and Michael and Maddie will get shot.

Haines joins the group, asking if Dave had briefed them yet. Haines' illegal activity is under threat of being exposed. He wants Michael and Maddie to destroy any evidence there is against him. However, Lester cannot hack the system and the only way to access it is through the FIB buildings.

Haines' says to Michael and Maddie that if they do this, he'll make sure all their files are deleted too, giving Michael and Maddie a clean slate. Micheal and Maddie agree but says it's the last thing they'll do for the Haines and the FIB. Michael, Maddie and Lester head to the FIB building to scope it out.

To gain entry to the building, Lester comes up with a plan. They'll steal an ID badge from one of the janitors. He found a particular guy called Harvey Molina. They wait outside the FIB's parking garage for Harvey to leave in his car and tail him back to his apartment in West Vinewood.

Michael and Maddie follow Harvey into his apartment and say they'll fill Harvey's pockets with money. All he's got to do is take a little vacation and give Michael his overalls and ID. Harvey agrees and gives Michael a duffle bag filled with the items.

Michael, Maddie and Lester head back to Darnell Bros where Franklin is waiting for them. Michael and Maddie tell Franklin of the job and Lester tells them he needs more information, particularly blueprints of the FIB building. Franklin agrees to tail the building's designer, Chip Peterson, to get them.

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