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This mission can be started as either Michael or Franklin. If Michael, He'll walk into his house and overhear Amanda and Tracey having an argument. He avoids the chaos and heads outside, where he chills by the pool with a drink and cigar. If Franklin, he'll approach Michael at his pool.

Michael asks Franklin what he wants and Franklin will state he's there to take him up on that drink. Franklin also asks if there's anything he can help with but Michael explains he isn't about that life anymore. They carry on talking and Michael eventually offers to take Franklin for a beer.

The pair take Amanda's car. As they are walking towards it, Jimmy calls Michael. He says he's down on Western Highway on Michael's yacht, which has been stolen. Jimmy tried to sell the boat, even though Michael didn't want it sold, and the potential buyers stole it, with Jimmy on it.

Franklin and Michael plan changes from a beer to retrieving Jimmy and the yacht. They head to Pacific Bluff, the boats last location and see it on the Western Highway on the back of the truck. The pair chase down the yacht

Michael gets close enough so Franklin can jump on. Franklin deals with anyone on the yacht and Michael helps with a gun from his car if Franklin needs the help. Franklin finds Jimmy but the latter gets hit by the yacht's boom and is left dangling off the side of the yacht. Michael drives under Jimmy so he can jump into the car.

Franklin also jumps into the car and the trio continues the chase. However, the car's engine fails meaning they can't chase the yacht anymore and have to give it up. Franklin recommends a chop shop to fix the car and they head to Los Santos Customs. Michael and Jimmy fight in the car and ultimately Michael decides to get a taxi home and asks Franklin to drop Jimmy off.

Franklin and Jimmy head into Los Santos Customs to fix the engine and drive back to Michaels house. The pair talk on the way home and Jimmy takes a shine to Franklin. They exchange numbers and Jimmy asks if they could hang out in the future.

GTA 5 (Trevor x Maddie)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz