Mr. Richards

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Michael and Maddie go to the Backlot City movie studio to meet up with Solomon. Solomon, Maddie and Michael bond over their love for movies but Solomon is wary that Michael's and Maddie's only there to 'bump him off". Michael and Maddie explain that not the case. Solomon tells Michael and Maddie that people have been wanting him to retire so the studio can be turned into condos or a theme park.

Solomon explains his plan for his current project but has a problem with one of his actors, Milton McIlroy. Solomon cast him because he was cheap but Milton's new agent, Rocco Pelosi is demanding more money and Milton is holding up acting till he is paid. The film's director, Anton Beaudelaire, is also causing Solomon trouble. He had a breakdown and has halted production.

Michael and Maddie decide to help out Solomon with his problems. They head to a location in East Los Santos where Rocco, Milton and Anton are. On the way over, Solomon calls to say the trio are expecting trouble so Michael and Maddie agree to stealthy enter the building they're holed up in.

The three are on the roof, near a helipad. Michael and Maddie quietly head up the roof, taking out workers on the way so no one is alerted that Michael and Maddie are there. Once on the roof, Michael and Maddie get in a punch up with Rocco, eventually beating him. Rocco runs away and Michael pilots the helicopter with Maddie in passenger on the roof that Milton and Anton are in.

Anton and Milton state they aren't going back so Michael drives the helicopter erratically to scare them into going back. His plan works and the four of them head back to the studio. Solomon greets the three of them and Milton reluctantly apologises. Solomon decides he wants to keep Michael and Maddie on and will be in contact soon.

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