72. Conniving Measures: Quinn Brooks

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"Tell me everything. And tell me how I can help you," Dean says to her sincerely, staring down at her.

Arrow nods with a bright smile, grabbing his hand and leading him to her living room.

Before they could take a seat, the sound of an engine disturbs the quiet as it approaches. The unfamiliar rev of the engine breaks the happy spell between Dean and herself.

"Did you tell someone you'd be here?" She asks Dean.

"No! Of course not!" Dean answers.

Grabbing the handgun she'd placed on her center table from earlier, Arrow heads to her door, looking through the peephole.

She watches as the door opens, a woman exiting the vehicle and confidently striding to her front door. She looks at Arrow's house, judging the look of it and scoffing before she reaches to knock on the door.

"I know you're in there Straken!" She calls loudly, her tone smug. "I placed a tracker on your car, and I'm not leaving until I get the answers I want!" She hollas. "Ethics be damned!" She grumbles lowly, Arrow's new hyper senses letting her hear the comment.

"Dean, what the hell is this!" Arrow hisses at him as he walks to the door. She moves aside for him to peer through the peephole, watching as his jaw clenches in anger.

"You've got to be kidding me!" He exclaims angrily.

"Come on Straken!" The woman yells, banging on the door.

"Who is she? And why did she take it upon herself to track you here?" Arrow asks angrily.

"Arrow, your eyes..." Dean says staring at her, Arrow squeezing her eyes shut as she tries to tame her anger.

"Her name is Quinn Brooks," Dean begins with a heavy, exhausted sigh, "She's a detective at the precinct, and she's also a hunter with the Kennedy organization." He explains to her. "She's not right in the head, Arrow. She's unstable and she has this mindset that her way is the right and only way. She doesn't like it when people go against her."

"What does she want with you?" Arrow asks, more loud knocks against her door interrupting them.

"I'll deal with it. I'm sorry she followed me to your home Arrow, I'd never purposely lead her to you." Dean apologies.

"I know!" Arrow says, grabbing onto his arm before he opens the door. "I know that, Dean. I'm not mad at you. I trust you...more than anyone else in my life. It's just this...the changes, I can't control them and they heighten everything."

Dean nods in understanding, "Let me get rid of her. Stand to the side, don't let her see you. I don't think she knows this is your house, I think she just followed me here."


Doing as he suggested, Arrow stands out of sight as Dean opens the door - exiting and closing it behind him. Moving to her window, she shifted the curtain slightly so she could have a look at them. From her position, she could hear them clearly with the quiet evening and her newfound hearing abilities.

"What the hell is wrong with you Brooks? Do you not see how completely off the rails you are? You have no right following me, tracking me, and then demanding I come talk to you. I don't owe you anything!" Dean starts angrily.

"You're up to something, Straken and I need to know what. Because it does involve me. so what are you hiding?" She replies to him.

"What involves you?"

"Vincent Rockwell, who you so happened to request a search on."

"If it involved you, Quinn, I would have come to you. But it doesn't!"

"He is someone who we are actively searching for and you know that! What do you think you can undermine me and find him yourself? Is that it, you want to make me and my task force look bad because I kicked you out of it?"

"You didn't kick me out, Brooks. I opted to leave because you were being unreasonable. And no, I am not after your task force, jeez! Do you even hear yourself?" Dean exclaims.

"Where did you get that number? Who else is here with you? Tell me now, Straken. This does not have to be a long, drawn-out ordeal. Just answer my questions."

"I don't owe you anything, Brooks. Much fewer answers! Leave." Dean scoffs, turning to head back inside.

"You should call Calvin!" She calls after Dean, Arrow watching him stiffen.

"What?" He asks lowly, turning back to her.

"You should call your...best friend, Straken. See where he is." She says with a sinister smile.

"What the hell did you do!" Dean shouts at her, stalking up angrily to her, stopping a couple of feet away as he pulls out his cell.

Arrow focused on Dean and his phone. She knew Lycans have the ability to hear the other sides of phone conversations and, right now... though the thought of herself having the ability pained her, she needed to know.

It takes her a minute before she begins faintly hearing the words on the other end of Dean's call.


"Cal, where are you? Are you okay?"

"No. The precinct needs to do a better job at screening people! Quinn is a certified bat-shit crazy psychopath man! She drugged me!" Arrow hears Dean's friend say to him. "Shit, man. I'm so tired I'm so tired I can hardly stay awake...they got me in.... I don't know, I don't know where I am!" He sighs. "Dean, I'm not ready to die man. And I'm sure as hell not ready to die at the hands of this looney bin!"

"I'll get to the bottom of it, Cal! I'll get to you, I promise." Dean promises darkly.

"You think she's going to kill me? I feel like she's going to kill me. What does she want anyway, do you know? Is it something you can give her?" He asks Dean, nervousness creeping into his tone.

"I'll fix it, buddy. I'll get you out and I'll get her away from us!"

"That's enough of that!" A strange voice in the background says, the call ending abruptly.

"You bitch!" Dean grounds out angrily, rushing at Quinn in an attempted attack. However, before her could get his hands on her she pulls out a gun, aiming it at his head. Arrow gasps at the sight, clenching her gun tighter. Not letting a second pass, Dean grips her gun, pushing himself forward and pulling her to him simultaneously. Shocked by his move she trips into him, Dean head-butting her, making her stumble back. He pulls and twists her arm, making her release the gun from her hands but she counters with a sudden drop to the ground. Using her weight to off-balance Dean. Dean stumbles forward as she uses her foot to kick him in the stomach.

Arrow begins panicking as she watches the fight unfold. This was because of her, she realizes. She asked Dean to do her this favor and now his friend is being held hostage, the two of them at the mercy of this despicable woman. This was her fault and she couldn't let Dean or his friend suffer because of it.

Her mind briefly entertained the idea of killing her but that leaves Dean's friend in jeopardy. It wouldn't be fair to him, nor Dean, and Dean would be devastated if anything were to happen to his friend because of his and...her involvement.

With a heavy intake of air, Arrow walks to her front door, opening it slowly... 'I need to move," she thinks to herself as she stands in the now open doorway, watching Dean and the woman fight. Raising her gun, she aims carefully, her index finger slowly sliding to the trigger, resting gently against it.

"Enough of this!" She shouts, pulling the trigger and ending the fight.

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