One Two Three

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Sky and Rena stood at the finish line as they waited for Prapai to finish his race.

Their relationship was still new and Rena had been hesitant to go to the races with them both. Part of her was worried that she would feel like the third wheel. It was their first public outing around people they knew and the races weren't always filled with the best people.

As if feeling her nervousness, Sky took her hand and linked their fingers together. Rena looked up at his smiling face and couldn't help but smile back.

She supposed that it would take a little while to feel secure in their relationship, but Rena didn't want her worries to ruin them before they'd properly started. However if Sky continued to smile at her like that, his eyes sparkling with excitement, she knew she wouldn't have anything to worry about.

They watched as a blur of red passed the finish line and cheered for their boyfriend's win. It still felt a little odd to call Prapai that. For so long she had considered it an impossibility. Player Prapai wasn't anyone's boyfriend. He didn't do relationships. Yet now he had a boyfriend and a girlfriend. The thought made her smile. Together she and Sky had tamed the beast.

Prapai took off his helmet to reveal his wide grin and then headed straight for the two of them. Wrapping his arms around them both, he gave them a squeeze. To her surprise, Prapai gave her a kiss first and then Sky. Rena could feel the racer buzzing from the adrenaline caused by the race.

"So, how impressed are you?"

"I've seen you race hundreds of times, P'Pai."

Prapai pouted, a little frown forming between his eyebrows.

"But Sky hasn't. Does that mean since we've had sex a lot in the past you don't think I'll still be able to satisfy you, Rena Baby? Because I assure you that will not be the case."

Sky put a hand on the racer's chest to prevent him from starting anything in public.

"No, it won't because I'll be there."

"Hey! Is this what it's going to be like from now on? You two ganging up on me? Actually... That could be fun."

Prapai's grin disappeared when Sky hit his chest.

"Be careful what you wish for, P'Pai."

Sky and Rena locked eyes and smirked.

"That could be fun... For us, but maybe not for you."

Prapai's pout returned.

"Meanies. Both of you."

Sky smiled up at the racer.

"But you love it."

Prapai smiled back, his hands coming up to pat them both on the head.

"Yes. Yes, I do."

Rena was making her way through the crowd after going to the bathroom when someone stopped her.

"Rena, darling. Where have you been? I've missed seeing your pretty face around here."

A cold shiver ran down her spine. She had only left her boyfriends' sides for a minute and Gun had found her. How could she be so unlucky?

"That's a shame. Excuse me."

"I saw you hanging out with Prapai's boy. Sky, isn't it?"

That was strange. Gun shouldn't know Sky's name. Rena turned around to face him. Her confusion must have shown on her face because he looked pleased and continued talking.

"Surprised I know his name? Sky and I go way back. He was mine long before he was Prapai's."

Rena's mind was spinning. Gun was Sky's ex. The one he had told about. The one who hurt him. The one he still has nightmares about.

"Stay away from Sky!"

"Nah, I don't think I will. You know, I saw the way the three of you acted together. Prapai can't be greedy like that, so I'll take Sky off his hands."

She had to stop herself from acting rashly and instead kept calm.

"What makes you think Sky will go with you?"

"Sky's always done as he's told. He was such a good boy for me."

"He's ours now, so stay away from him."

A call of her name in the distance made her panic. She didn't want Sky to see Gun or Prapai to get in trouble by starting something. Gun grinned knowingly but stepped away.

"I'll see you again, darling, soon."

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