Not a Date

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It's not a date. It's not a date. It's not - do I look okay?

Rena was packing the food she had made for lunch into containers. It was Saturday and she was meeting Sky at the park to do some drawing. She glanced at the clock and quickly finished packing everything, before gathering her stuff and putting on her shoes.

Sky was already there when she arrived. They spent the morning sketching various things around them. Trees, the pond, a dog. When it was time for lunch, she set out the food she had made. It made her very happy when Sky complimented her cooking.

"Sky, I was wondering, why did you agree to today?"

"I know how you feel. I have a friend who's a bit... he finds it hard to focus and get his work done. don't get me wrong, he's a great friend, but sometimes I think it would be nice to have someone to study with who takes it a bit more seriously."

"It's like you're reading my soul! I'm guessing you're talking about Rain?"

"You know Rain, too?"

"The guy who likes to make scenes in the cafeteria? Yeah... did he really insult P'Phayu? I wasn't there that day but still heard about it."

"He was having a bad day?"

"Brave boy. Or stupid. Didn't he know P'Phayu is beloved by all?"

"Stupid, unfortunately. You know P'Phayu too? Do you live in the architecture department?"

"P'Phayu is the hottest guy to ever walk through our university, of course I know about him, but I also see him around a lot."

"You do?"

"Yeah... I'm not supposed to talk about it, so don't broadcast this, but since you've technically been there yourself..."

"Been where?"

"The races."

"The races? You go to the races?"

"Yep. It's fun if you're meant to be there. Why did you sneak in that time, anyway?"

"How did you - Were you there?"

"Uh huh. You're lucky P'Pai found you because even if I had reached you in time the guards might not have listened to me. I don't have the same clout that he does."


"P'Prapai. The guy who saved you that night. P'Phayu's best friend. The hot guy in a racing suit."

Rena looked at him as if he was mad not to know who she was talking about, but Sky's shifted down to stare at the ground and he turned his head away from her.

"Oh. Him."

His reaction intrigued her. It wasn't the usual reaction of someone who had spent a night with Prapai, and she wondered what had happened between the two that cast such different impressions on each other. While Prapai seemed to still have Sky on his mind, Sky didn't appear interested in the racer at all.

"Would you come with me?"


"To the races. Please! All the girls there are mean, so I get lonely."

"No -"

"They have awesome food trucks! And I'll stay by your side! No one will bother you. I promise."

Rena could see Sky hesitating and pulled out the puppy eyes.

"Please, please, please!"



"But only this once and not for too long, okay?"

"Thank you, Sky. You're the best!"

"Yeah, yeah."

He was acting annoyed, but she could see the smile trying to break through. Sky put up a cold front, but he was sweet and soft underneath.

Rena wondered if Prapai had figured this out about Sky as well.

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