Only a Dream

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Rena was sitting on the sofa with Sky on one side and Prapai on the other.

Sky took Rena's hands in his.

"I talked to P'Pai about the other night and we cleared everything up."

Rena was confused. She wasn't sure why Sky was telling her this.

"Good. I'm happy for you two. Although I told P'Prapai to push away his clingy ex-partners."

Sky looked at Prapai with a raised eyebrow.

"Ha, ha. You did warn me... However I heard that's not all that happened that night."

Rena turned to Prapai.

"I'm sorry. Sky was in a emotional and vulnerable state and I shouldn't have let it happen."

"Rena! You don't -"

"I'm not mad at Sky. I'm jealous."



Prapai smiled at Sky's half panicked half annoyed expression.

Focusing back on Rena, he took one of her hands in his and turned serious.

"Sky wasn't lying when he told you that he has feelings for you. He told me about them and asked me how I would feel about adding you to our relationship. After giving it some thought, I realised that I felt the same."

"This is a joke, right?"

"No, Rena. Sky and I would like to be in a relationship with you."

"I don't believe you. Let's say Sky does have feelings for me, then you're agreeing to this for his sake."

"I promise you that's not it. I like you, Rena. I told you that you've always been special to me. I never talked to anyone like I did with you. I'm sorry I didn't realise it sooner. Can you forgive me?"

"Forgive you? For what?"

"For hurting you."


"I'll make up for all the pain I've caused you."

With Prapai's loving gaze on her it was hard to deny him.

"It's my fault. You were always clear about what we were. I was the one stupid enough to fall in love with you."

Rena gasped and covered her mouth with her hand while Prapai's eyes lit up.

"You love me?"

She frowned and looked away from him.

"Don't pretend that you didn't know already. It shouldn't be a surprise."

Prapai took Rena's hand back into his.

"I'm sorry. I think I put you into a box and it prevented me from seeing you as someone I could have more with. But when Sky asked me if I would be interested in having a relationship with you, I started imagining it and, well, I can't believe I never saw it before."

The racer reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear as he smiled at her. Rena froze and stared at Prapai with wide eyes as he stroked her cheek.

This was a lot for her to take in. It was everything she had been hoping for and she was having a hard time believing that it was real.

Rena pulled back and looked to her other side at Sky.

"So what you're asking is..."

Her best friend smiled gently at her.

"Rena, would you like to be in a relationship with P'Pai and me? The three of us, together?"

She stared at Sky for a moment as she absorbed his words. Her heart was screaming yes, but her head was more cautious. Looking into Sky's hopeful eyes made her heart race, so she looked away.

"I... I can't - I need to... go and think."

Rena stood up and so did Sky and Prapai.

"Rena -"

Sky reached out to stop her, but Prapai wrapped his arm around the younger boy.

"Take your time. We're here to talk whenever you're ready."

She looked back at the couple, her eyes settled on Prapai's arm around Sky for a moment, before walking out the door.

Their relationship was perfect as it was. How could she let herself interrupt that?

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