Nothing to You

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Prapai was leaning against his car which was parked outside Sky's university building. He knew Sky didn't have a car and the architecture student often had a lot of things to carry. It had become clear that Sky didn't appreciate gifts of monetary value, however, he did allow the racer to take him out to eat. Therefore, Prapai decided that doing useful things and helping Sky wherever possible would go over better than sending him more flowers.

"What are you doing here?"

Looking towards the voice, Prapai saw Rena standing nearby. Her arms were full of bags, folders and tubes of rolled-up paper.

"Waiting for Sky. I'm giving him a lift home."

"Does he know that?"

"Not yet."

The racer watched as Rena frowned. He wasn't used to the girl looking at him like that. She used to only look at him with smiles and longing.

"Then how do you know he wants you to?"

"Why wouldn't he?"

"I can think of a few reasons."

Prapai pushed off of his car and walked towards her.

"Look, Rena, can we talk?"

"We are talking."

He had gotten used to getting sass from Sky, he enjoyed it even, but Rena never used to speak to him this way.

"Have I done something to offend you?"

Prapai studies her closely so he doesn't miss the way she can't look him in the eye.

"Why do you ask?"

"You're acting strange. At the cafe, Sky said you didn't look happy to see me and when we went out for lunch you suddenly left. Did I do something wrong?"

Finally, Rena looks at him.

"I'm not sure what you mean, P'Prapai. We barely know each other."

"I'd argue that we know each other quite well actually."

Apparently joking about their past was not the right way to go. Rena looked sad for a moment and then her eyes narrowed.

"I used to think so too... Anyway, why do you care? We don't have that kind of relationship. We don't have any kind of relationship."

Before Prapai can respond, Sky approaches them. His arms were also full of stuff.

"P'Prapai, what are you doing here?"

It was exactly the same thing that Rena had greeted him with. The racer looked at her and then back at Sky.

"I'm here to take you home. You can't carry all that on the bus."

"Rena can give me a ride."

"Sorry, Sky. My car wouldn't start this morning so it's at the shop with P'Phayu."

Even though it wasn't her fault, Sky looked betrayed. Rena smiled apologetically at him.

"Your chariot awaits."

Prapai holds out his hands to take the things from Sky's hands and the architecture student begrudgingly gives them to him. The racer puts them in the boot of his car.

"Fine, but your giving Rena a ride too."

"What? I don't -"

"Of course! Hand them over, Rena."

Rena glared at Sky who smiled smugly as she handed over her things to Prapai.

The racer holds open the passenger door, but neither Sky nor Rena makes a move to get in. Sky steps forward but opens the back door.

"You should drop me off first and then Rena."

"But -"

"It makes more sense."

Sky gets in the back. Prapai and Rena look at each other. He smiles at her, and she sighs before getting in the front seat. Once she was seated, he closed the door, and she tried not to think of all the times she dreamed of Prapai treating her this way. She used to imagine the racer picking her up for dates and acting like a gentleman, even though she hadn't known if he was that kind of guy. Apparently, he was.

They dropped off Sky first and then drove to Rena's. Prapai parked outside her building and turned to face her.

"I want us to be friends. What can I do to make that happen?"

Rena didn't want to tell him that it hurt to hear that she didn't mean anything to him, so she focused on something else.

"Are you serious about, Sky? You're not just playing with him? Tell me that you won't get bored with him once he gives in."

"I know you only know me as a player, but I promise you with Sky it's different. I'm different. I'm not just trying to get him in my bed."

"Urgh. Why do I believe you?"

Prapai laughed.

"Because you know me. You've always been able to see beneath my player persona. I always felt like you could see right through me."

"How can you say that? You told Sky that we're not close."

"I didn't want to give him the wrong idea. He doesn't know, does he? That we used to sleep together."

"Does he need to?"

"Not if you don't want him to."

Rena nodded and reached for the car door.

"Thanks for the ride."

"Rena, you're more than just someone I used to sleep with. I hope we can be friends."

Prapai was looking at her so sincerely that she couldn't help but give him a small smile.

"We'll see."

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