Bringing me Sunshine

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What are Sky's favourite flowers?

Rena stared at the message Prapai had sent her. Sky had told her about his dinner with the racer. her friend hadn't said it outright, but she could tell that it had gone well. While he hadn't been fully won over by Prapai, Sky no longer seemed to hate the man. He hadn't shown any signs of interest in the racer, but Sky was good at hiding his feelings. She didn't know what to think. Does Prapai want to send Sky flowers because he thinks he has a chance?

She thought over how to reply. Sky wasn't a flower person, he preferred plants. Was it wrong of her not to tell Prapai that? Wouldn't sharing information about Sky behind his back be more wrong?


When they arrived at Sky's apartment after classes, Rena wasn't surprised when a bouquet of sunflowers was waiting for her friend. Sky managed to dodge his noisy building manager's questions and they made it to his apartment.

"Flowers? Really?"

He studied the bouquet and read the card. Whatever Prapai had written made Sky roll his eyes.

"Who are they from?"

"I think you can guess."

Sky put the flowers on the kitchen counter and frowned at them.

"I thought you agreed to be friends?"

"Give him an inch and he takes a mile. Typical."

Rena ran the tip of her finger over the petals. No one had ever given her flowers before.

"So pretty."

"You can have them if you want."

She looked at Sky with wide eyes.


He shrugged.

"Sure. I don't want them and it's not like he'll take them back. If you don't, I'll throw them away."

Rena gasped and picked up the flowers holding them to her chest.

"You can't do that! I'll take them off your hands if only to save the innocent flowers from being thrown away. It's not their fault you don't like their sender."

Sky's lips twitched at her antics.


Rena blinked owlishly for a moment. Surely, she had misheard him.

Sky had walked over to his desk and was getting out his work when she realised something.

"Hang on, how does he know where you live?"

"He drove me home."

"You let him drive you home?"

Sky sighed.

"Yeah... I have a feeling I'm going to regret it now. I'm going to call him and make sure he doesn't send any more flowers."

She watched as Sky got his phone out. She watched as he spoke to Prapai. She watched as he huffed in annoyance at whatever the other man was saying. She watched as his frown turned into a smile.

After he ended the call, Sky dropped his smile as he turned to Rena.

"He's so cheesy."

He grimaces, but she can see the light in his eyes.

"P'Prapai? Cheesy?"


"What did he say?"

"Just some nonsense about why he chose to give me sunflowers."

Sky smiled as he replayed Prapai's words in his mind.

Rena's heart sank. She was watching him fall for Prapai, and it shouldn't hurt this much.

Not only was she in love with two men that she could never have. She was now going to have to watch those two men fall in love with each other. It was bittersweet. If she couldn't be happy with either of them, then at least they could be happy with each other. She should be happy for them.

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