While I'm Gone

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Somehow, they both ended up sleeping in Sky's bed with him.

They were both startled awake by Sky tossing and turning.

"Sky? Sky, what's wrong?"

"No more. I beg you. Let me go."

Prapai looked alarmed as Sky started pleading and seeing him like this again brought tears to Rena's eyes. While she was under the impression that trying to wake someone up from a nightmare would only make things worse, Prapai didn't seem to share it. The racer grabbed Sky's flailing arms.

"Sky. It's me. P'Pai."

He wrapped his arms around Sky and continued telling him comforting words.

"I'll never let anything hurt you, okay?"

Eventually, Sky stopped struggling.


"Yes, it's me. I'm here."

"Don't let me go."

"I won't. I won't ever let you go."

Rena watched as Sky clung onto Prapai like a lifeline and the older man held him back just as tightly. She was right. They liked each other.

She almost got up and left the room, but she couldn't deny her need to stay. She needed to make sure that Sky was okay, and she wanted to be there in case he needed her.

It didn't take long for him to fall back asleep and Prapai laid him back down. Sky held onto his arm even in sleep, not wanting to lose contact with the racer. Rena took the opportunity to brush Sky's hair away from his face.

"Oh, Sky. How often does this happen?"

"You've seen this before?"

"Yeah, last time I slept over."

"You sleep over?"

"In this very bed. Jealous?"

"Yes, but it's only a matter of time."

"You really believe you can win him over?"

"I have to. I don't think I can live without him anymore."

Rena barely managed to hold back her gasp.

"Wow. I never thought I'd see the day. P'Prapai the player settling down."

"I know. I guess it just took finding the right person."

Apparently, Rena hadn't been the right person for Prapai, and it was looking like she wasn't the right person for Sky either.

"We should get some sleep."

Prapai yawned and nodded. They both settled back down. Rena considered going and sleeping on the sofa, but she decided to be selfish just one more time. This could be her last chance to sleep beside the ones she loved. If a tear ran down her cheek while she watched them sleep peacefully, hand in hand, then it was okay because there was no one else to see.

The morning that Rena needed to hand in her assignment, she no longer had any doubts about Prapai's ability to look after Sky, but she didn't want him to know that.

"I'll be back as quickly as possible."

"No need to rush, Rena. Sky will be more than okay in my capable hands."

"Oh, I know exactly what your hands are capable of. I mean -"

Prapai laughed as Rena hurried out the door, shouting over her shoulder.

"I'll bring back food!"

By the time Prapai had showered, Sky was awake. He had improved a lot in the past 24 hours, so the racer wasn't too surprised to see him looking more like his normal self. He leaned over the bed and felt Sky's forehead before it was batted away making him grin.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine. Better. You should - You should go home. You don't need to look after me anymore."

Sky could remember everything Prapai had done while looking after him the past couple of days and was embarrassed. He was embarrassed about how much he liked it and how much he wanted Prapai to stay. So, instead, he did the opposite. Sky pushed him away.

"You're kicking me out? After I've looked after you with such care."

"Why? Why did you take care of me? What do you want?"

"You know what I want."

"I already told you. I'm not having sex with you again."

"Oh, Sky, that's not why I'm doing this. My end goal is something a lot more permanent than just one night."

Sky watched him with wide eyes as Prapai opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. He stopped the racer from closing the door behind him. The two stood on the threshold as Sky reached up and kissed the other on the cheek.

"Thank you."

"I'll be here anytime you need me."

Sky smiled shyly before closing the door.

Rena is standing in the hallway, bag of food in hand, frozen in place from what she had just witnessed.

Prapai grins at her as he passes by.

"Seems like your friend is warming up to me after all."

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