Hard to Withdraw

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Rena had never had a reason to contact Prapai before. She had always had his number, but it was usually him contacting her if he wanted her company between race nights. She had never dared be the one to initiate contact and it was something that had saved her from coming across as clingy to the player and losing his company.

However, now she had a reason to. She had news for Prapai, news that would make him happy. So, she sent him a message. She felt a little selfish about it, but she decided to use this as an excuse to spend time with Prapai, instead of just telling him over the phone.

P'Pai. Can we meet? I have some news for you.

Are you free now?

Rena knew it was his excitement to see her that he wanted to meet so soon, but she could let herself pretend for a moment.


See you soon.

He sent her the details and she rushed to get ready.

They met at a cafe near Prapai's office. It was unusual for her. They had never met casually like this. Actually, they had never spent time together outside of the races or his apartment. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to go on a date with him.

After getting their drinks and making pleasantries, Rena put the guy out of his misery.

"Sky agreed to meet you."


She could've told him that it hadn't been easy, that she'd had to convince Sky. However, she felt guilty enough for dragging her new friend into this, she didn't need to use it to earn extra points with Prapai as well.


Rena was both happy and sad to see how excited he was. She had been excited herself to meet up with him like this, but she realised now that if she had just told him over the phone then she wouldn't have had to see his reaction. Now she knows exactly how intrigued Prapai is by Sky.

"Where should I take him? I want to make a good impression. I have a lot to make up for."

It was instinct for Rena to reach out to touch Prapai's arm, but her hand hovered an inch away as she remembered that they didn't have that kind of relationship anymore. She moved her hand away.

"I don't think you have to worry too much. I know how charming you can be, all too well."

Prapai grinned at her, and her heart skipped a beat.

"That's true. I'm irresistible."

Rena rolled her eyes at this. If Prapai had one flaw, it was his massive ego.

"Now that I think about it, that probably won't work on Sky. You might actually have to work for this one."

Prapai didn't stop smiling. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing worth it comes easy."

Rena went cold at his words. She had gone to him easily. Did that mean she wasn't worth anything more than the occasional night together?

She had always told herself that she wasn't like those other girls that would hang on Prapai and hope for things that he would never give, but wasn't that exactly what she was doing now? What was she doing meeting up with him like this when she knew nothing more would ever come from it apart from heartbreak?

She stood up.

"I - I need to go. I've got a lot of homework to do. Bye."

"What? Rena, wait!"

Prapai called after her, but she didn't stop or even look back.

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