What you Want

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"We'll be over right away!"

"Did you mean tonight? Sky's a little impatient, but he will wait if you want to talk in the morning."

The first message was from Sky and the second was from Prapai. Rena hadn't expected to see Sky and Prapai that evening, but it seemed that the boys couldn't wait and to be honest neither could she.

By the time Rena's reply telling them to come over was sent, Sky was already halfway out the door. Prapai chuckled and grabbed his things before following the younger.

When Rena let the boys into her apartment, they stood a little awkwardly at first. She could feel their nervous excitement. However, she wanted to do something before she put them - and her - out of their misery.

"Can I talk to Sky first?"

Prapai nodded.

"Of course. Whatever you need."

Rena led Sky into her bedroom for some privacy. After closing the door, she took a deep breath and stood facing her best friend.

"Sky, is this really what you want? For me to interrupt your relationship, for you to share Prapai with me?"

"You make it sound as if I'll be losing something. As far as I'm concerned, I'll only be gaining something. You. So, yes, I very much want this. I want you, Rena."

She stared at him for a little longer, looking for any hesitation, doubt, or lie, but found none.

"Okay. Can you stay here while I speak to P'Pai?"


Sky was hopeful, but Rena hadn't given him any indication of what her decision was. Was it all relying on Prapai's answer? He prayed the racer didn't mess this up.

When Rena entered the living room, she saw Prapai standing by her desk. He was looking at the photos she had pinned up on the wall of her and Sky. He turned towards her when he noticed her walking over to him.

"P'Pai, are you sure this is what you want? You're not doing this just because Sky does? To make him happy?"

Prapai knew where her reservations were coming from. They had a history together, one that had made her feel as though she was irrelevant in his life, one that made him regret his behaviour.

"I can't change the past, Rena, but I promise that from now on I will show you how much you mean to me. You and Sky are equally important to me."

Once again, she studied him, but Prapai was harder to read than Sky. However, his answer was enough for her. These questions were a last check, but she had already made up her mind and she couldn't keep it in any longer.


Prapai stared at her in confusion.


"Yes, I want to be in a relationship with both of you."

Rena wasn't sure what she expected Prapai's reaction to be, but she wasn't prepared to suddenly be spun in the air.

"Sky! Rena said yes!"

As soon as she was put down, Rena was pulled into a hug. Sky wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tightly.

"I love you."

Rena buried her face in Sky's neck as she squeezed him just as tightly back.

"I love you, too."

A pair of arms circled them both and kisses were pressed to the top of each of their heads.

A sniffle had Sky and Rena loosening their grip on each other. First, they looked at each other and seeing that neither of them were crying they looked up at Prapai.

The racer was gazing down at them with shining eyes. Rena and Sky both raised a hand and wiped away the tear trails on his cheeks.

"Why are you crying, P'Pai?"

"I'm so happy."

The other two laughed and wrapped an arm each around the racer and rested their heads on his shoulders.

Eventually, they moved to the sofa and spent the rest of the evening cuddling. The three of them. Together.

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