Eyes for You

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Rena was hanging out at Sky's apartment again. It was easier for her to bring her work to his than for the architecture student to move his stuff, so it had become the norm for her to study at his place.

That's what they were meant to be doing: studying. However, while Sky was focused on his work, Rena was distracted. Sky and Prapai arranged to meet for dinner that evening, and she hadn't been able to think about anything else. Rena wondered who had told the racer about Sky's love of food. A free meal was too tempting for a student.

So instead of doing one of her assignments, Rena was working on what she had dubbed her side project. If anyone looked in her sketchbook, they would find multiple drawings of one person: Sky. She had an excuse ready if that ever happened. She needed to work on her people drawing skills and Sky just happened to be a convenient model. The truth was that it gave her an excuse to look at him all the time.

Rena's position on the sofa got more and more relaxed. She hadn't slept well last night as her mind ran through all the possible outcomes of Sky meeting Prapai. Now she was starting to feel it as she slid down on the sofa until she was laying down. She fell asleep, not even noticing when her sketchbook fell to the floor.

She was woken up by someone brushing her hair out of her face and a gentle voice calling her name.

"Rena? I'm leaving now. Do you want to stay here?"

Without opening her eyes, she grabbed hold of the hand brushing her hair before it could pull away.

"No, don't go."

"I have to go. You're the reason I'm having dinner with Prapai in the first place."

That woke Rena up. She opened her eyes to see Sky kneeling beside the sofa, smiling down at her in amusement. She quickly let go of Sky's hand and sat up.


"It's okay. Did you not sleep well last night?"

They both stood up and Sky watched as she gathered her things together, including her sketchbook which had somehow ended up on the table.

"I, um, I was just up late studying. Do - Do you want me to go with you? For moral support."

Rena wasn't sure why she wanted to be there, to protect Sky, to see if Prapai could charm him like he did everyone else, or maybe the suspense of not knowing how their meeting was going would be too much for her.

"No. I don't want you near him."

"Really? Then I don't want you alone with him."

"Rena, you're the reason I'm meeting with him in the first place."

"Yeah, but - are you sure you'll be okay?"

"I thought you said Prapai is a good guy."

"He is. I just... never mind. I'll see you later then."

Sky studied her for a moment. He looked as though he was going to say something but changed his mind. He took Rena by surprise when wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug. When he pulled back, he reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I'll call you later, okay?"

Rena nodded her head, a little startled by his actions. That was the first time Sky had hugged her. It was too short, but just enough to have a calming effect on her. Being in his arms felt like home - comfortable and familiar - and she wished that she could stay there forever.

Led by the Wind through the SkyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ