Food for Thought

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Sky was hungry.

Correction, Sky was always hungry. So, it made both sense and no sense that his fridge was currently devoid of food. He frowned at the empty shelves.

Rain, Sig, and Por must have eaten everything. At least I have one friend who doesn't eat all my food.

Rena never helped herself to food at Sky's unless it was offered. After their first couple of study sessions, she started bringing snacks. Even if she didn't eat it, she left it behind claiming that they could have it next time, but she always brought more on her next visit. Then she began bringing leftovers claiming that it was hard to cook for one person and she didn't want to keep eating the same thing for days in a row.

Sky's stomach grumbled as he thought about Rena's cooking.

Gathering his wallet, he headed out planning to go to the shops to buy some food. He didn't even make it outside the front door of the building before he was stopped.

"Fancy running into you here."

Sky's expression clearly showed how unamused he was, but Prapai's smile didn't waver. Sky tried to walk past him, but the racer kept blocking his path.

"What do you want?"

"Are you hungry? Let me take you out to eat."


Sky was betrayed by his own body. Prapai smiled wider at hearing Sky's stomach grumble. Before he could say anything, Sky changed his mind. It was easier to give in to the man.

"Fine, but I get to choose where."

"Your wish is my desire."

Sky took them to a small cafe that he often frequented because the food was as good as the service. Prapai glanced around curiously as they sat down.

"Is this the kind of place you like?"

The student didn't answer. Instead, he looked over the racer's shoulder and smiled.

"Sky! This is a nice surprise - Oh. P'Pai. Hello."

Rena walked over to Sky's table, her smile dropping as she realises who is sat opposite her friend. She hadn't seen him since the day she told him Sky had agreed to meet him. The day her first unrequited love called her easy and not worth anything. Seeing him so unexpectedly caused a mixture of emotions to swirl inside her.

Prapai looked up at Rena. He didn't like the way her expression had changed once she spotted him. He had felt odd about the way she left the last time they had met. It was strange because he had watched her leave many times before after their nights together. However, all those other times she had been happy, and satisfied, but last time she was upset, and he hadn't liked seeing her that way.

"Hello, Rena."

"Do you want your usual, Sky?"

"Yes, please."

"P'Prapai, what would you like?"

It was then that Prapai noticed the apron that Rena was wearing. Rena worked here.

"Whatever you recommend. I trust you - to have good taste."

Rena smiled tightly and nodded before walking away.

"Did you two have a falling out?"

"Why would you say that?"

"She didn't seem very happy to see you."

"I don't know what you think our relationship is, but Rena and I aren't that close."

A crash made Sky jump. The two at the table looked around to see Rena standing beside a nearby table, broken glass on the floor by her feet. She seemed to be in a daze, a heart-breaking look on her face.

"Rena? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Sorry."

She crouched down and began picking up the broken pieces. Sky and Prapai watched as she disappeared and came back to sweep up the shards before disappearing again.

"You haven't replied to my messages."

"I haven't had time."

Rena appeared again to serve them their food and Sky dug in.

As he ate, he felt eyes on him. Looking up he found Prapai's plate untouched, and the racer's gaze focused on him.

"What are you looking at?"

"A pretty, soft, sweet boy."

"I'm none of those things, especially not sweet."

He glared at Prapai to make his point.

"But your lips are."

Sky almost choked on his food and Prapai passed his drink to him.

"How can you say such things?"

"Haven't you heard the saying 'fortune favours the bold'? How will I win your favour if I'm timid?"

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