Admitting the Truth

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Rena took a deep breath before knocking on Sky's door. She had been doing a lot of thinking lately. About Sky, about Prapai, about her feelings. She was keeping so many secrets from Sky that she felt guilty whenever she was around him. She wondered how he would react if she told him everything.


Sky opened the door with a smile and surprised Rena by giving her a hug.

"Oh! Hello."

"Come in. It's been too long since we last hung out."

Something was causing her friend to be in a very good mood. Rena wasn't sure if she wanted to ruin it with her confession.

They talked, watched a movie, and ordered takeout. Sky would smile whenever he would look at his phone.

"I've never seen you on your phone so much."

"Sorry, Prapai won't stop sending me messages."

"Good messages I'd guess since you can't stop smiling."

"I am?"

Sky touched his fingertips to his lips as if to check if he really was smiling.

"He makes you happy."

"I never expected this. I never expected him. He's so... different than I thought he'd be."

"How did he finally win you over?"

"P'Prapai's actions proved that he was and always had been telling me the truth. Honesty is important to me."

Those words confirmed what Rena was going to do next.

"Sky, there's something I need to tell you."

"Hm? What is it?"

"I have a confession."

"I'm not a priest."

"I'm serious."

"You can tell me anything."

"Just - just don't hate me. At least let me explain everything first. Please."

"I'll try."

Rena took a deep breath, before letting it all spill.

"I told you about my unrequited love, but what I didn't tell you is that it's Prapai. I was one of his regular hook-ups from the races and although I always wanted more, I knew better than to believe that it was ever possible. Prapai wasn't looking for anything serious and he pushed away anyone who tried to get that from him. A couple of months ago, he stopped. He stopped taking anyone home for the night, stopped flirting, stopped giving us any attention really, because of you."

Sky's eyes widened, but he let her continue.

"I wanted - needed - to know what kind of person could capture Prapai's attention like that. Running into you on campus the first time we met was a coincidence, but that was the reason why I wanted to get to know you. And as I got to know you, I found out exactly why Prapai was so enamoured. You're feisty and independent, but also kind and caring. After that, it wasn't about you being the person Prapai was interested in, I just wanted to be your friend."

"I see. And you convinced me to meet Prapai so he could apologise because -"

"Because I loved him and wanted him to be happy."


"I, er, I..."

"There's something else."

"I didn't just want to be your friend."


"Because I fell in love with you."


"I know. I know it's crazy. I was in love with Prapai, but then I started having feelings for you. When you called me beautiful, and when you protected me, it made my heart race and then every time I looked at you, I couldn't stop thinking about how handsome you are and when you smile everything else melts away!"

"Why did you say anything before?"

"Because you're gay! And then Prapai won you over and you two are so happy and in love."

"So why are you telling me now?"

"Because our friendship was built on false pretences, and you deserved to know. I couldn't keep this from you any longer."

"You thought I deserved to know that you're in love with my boyfriend?"


"And that you're also in love with me?"

"I don't expect anything! I understand if you don't want me in your life anymore, but I just - I didn't want to keep any secrets from you."

"I - I think it's best if you leave. Now."

"Of course. I'm sorry."

"I need to think, but I'll contact you when I'm ready."

Rena nodded and left Sky's apartment.

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