Seen it Before

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"Hi, Sky. Are you at home? I left one of my prints at yours the other and I need it for tomorrow."

"Hello, Rena."

"P'Prapai? Why are you answering Sky's phone?"

"I'm afraid Sky's not able to answer the phone right now."

"What did you do to him?"

"All kinds of naughty things."


"Calm down. He's sick and Rain asked me to look after him."

"Sky's sick? What's wrong? Is he going to be okay?"

"He's got a fever. The stubborn boy wouldn't go to the hospital, but don't worry I'll take good care of him."

"There's no need, I can take care of him. I'm on my way."

Prapai put down Sky's phone on the bedside table and looked down at Sky with a smile. The sick boy was curled up against his side as he slept. Sky had clung to his arm when he first arrived thinking that Prapai was his father, but the racer didn't mind. He was just glad that Sky wasn't pushing him away. The racer ran his fingers through the younger boy's hair.

"Your best friend is on her way over. She cares about you a lot, doesn't she? I care about you too, you know."

Rena gets there quicker than Prapai expected and when he opened the door, she walked straight past him and into the bedroom. He followed her to find her sitting on Sky's bed with her hand on his forehead.

"Shh, rest now, Sky. I'm here now."

Prapai watched curiously as Sky reached out and grabbed Rena's arm, much like the boy had done to him earlier, only this time he knew exactly who was there. The racer tried not to feel disappointed.


"Yes, it's me."


"Yes, I'm staying."

Rena ran her fingers through Sky's hair until he fell back asleep.

"I was just about to wash him and change the sheets."

"You don't need to stay any more. I'll look after him."

"I think he'd be more comfortable if I did it."

"What's your logic? I'm his best friend and as much as you want to be, you're not his boyfriend."

"Yet. Besides, I've seen it all before."

"How do you know I haven't?"

"I'm still not leaving."

"I can't believe Rain asked you to look after Sky."

"Rain had to hand in his and Sky's assignments and his work is at Phayu's. Don't you have classes to attend?"

"No... I have to hand something in the day after tomorrow, but I'll only be gone an hour."

"Focus on your schoolwork, I'll watch over Sky."

"Don't you have a day job?"

"I can work from right here."

"Fine, whatever, but I'm still not comfortable with you seeing Sky while he's vulnerable without his consent."

"It'll be easier with two people, and you'll need me to lift him up. If it will make you feel better, then I'll close my eyes. I promise!"

Prapai had a point, so Rena decided to let him help.

"Okay, you can help, but I'll be watching you!"

Rena got a bowl of water and a cloth. She and Prapai sat on either side of Sky and the racer held him up while she removed his t-shirt and began wiping his fever-sweat-covered body.

Prapai peeked. It felt ridiculous to keep his eyes closed, but he wanted to keep Rena happy. He opened his eyes only to see Rena ogling the boy. He watched her gulp as she ran the wet cloth over Sky's chest.

Prapai had noticed a few things. At first, he had written them off because Rena and Sky were friends, however, the more time he spent with the two of them he wasn't so sure. Rena was protective of Sky and obviously cared about him a lot, but the way she looked at him sometimes made Prapai think that her feelings went deeper than just friendship. Her reactions to him were almost jealous, but he needed to test out his theory.

"So, you can look but I can't? That's not fair."

Rena jumped at the sound of his voice.

"Unlike you, I don't have ulterior motives."

"Are you sure about that?"

Rena didn't reply. She quickly finished washing Sky, dressed him in clean clothes and then Prapai held him up while she changed the bed sheets.

They took turns watching Sky as Prapai worked on his laptop and Rena on her assignments. The racer ordered them food and the two of them managed to work well together until night fell.

"You're not sleeping in Sky's bed with him, P'Prapai!"

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