Plan in Motion

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"P'Pai, I need to talk to you about something."

"What's up, my Sky?"

"It's about Rena."

"Have you two had a falling out? I've noticed she hasn't been around lately."

"I wouldn't call it a falling out exactly..."

"But you two haven't been spending time together."

"She told me - she told me a lot of things."

"Did they involve me?"

"Do you know?"

"Know what?"

"You must know. How she feels about you?"

"About me? Um, well, I guess jealous?"


"Did I say that? I meant -"

"You know that she has feelings for me?!"

"Yeah. I realised when you were sick and the two of us were looking after you. Wait, how do you know?"

"She confessed."

"Oh, wow. I wasn't expecting that."

"That's not all."

"What? She asked you to leave me to be with her?"

"No... She confessed to loving you too."

Sky did like to tell Prapai this. Rena should be the one telling the racer about her feelings, but this wasn't just about the two of them. This involved Sky as well.


"I told her I needed some time to think, and I haven't spoken to her since."

"Well, I can't blame her. I'm just too handsome to resist and you're too adorable not to love."

"P'Pai! This is serious."

"Sorry. So, what are you going to do?"

"That's why I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to ask you how you feel about Rena?"

"Is this a trick question?"


"I mean, I like her, but I've never looked at her as more than an occasional bed partner."


"That surprises you."

"You two always seemed sort of close to me."

"I suppose she could be a friend. Why are you asking me this, Sky?"

"I thought - it doesn't matter."

"Tell me."

"Don't get mad."

"At you? Never."

"After Rena told me that she liked both of us, I imagined..."

"Imagined what?"

"It's just that she can be so cute and kind -"

"You imagined being with her."

"No... I imagined her being with us."


"Would that be weird?"

"All three of us? Together?"


"Um, yes, it would."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Sky. I'm happy you felt comfortable enough to tell me. Is this what you want?"

"Not if you don't. You're more than enough for me P'Pai. I don't want you to think differently."

"I don't. I understand. I think. I just need some time to wrap my head around it and see whether I - whether that's something I would be interested in."

"Of course. Take as long as you need."

[after saving Rena at the races from Gun]

"Sky. I think I fucked up."

"What did you buy me now?"

"No, I mean with Rena."

Sky glared at Prapai.

"What did you do?!"

"Well, first of all, I saved her from a guy that was harassing her at the races -"

"Well done you. 10 points to Gryffindor."

"- And then I comforted her."

"Still not hearing how you fucked up?"

"She got angry at me."

"I can relate. Do you know why?"

"It seemed to be because I said I helped her only because she was your friend?"


"I know! She's never going to believe that I like her now!"

"You like her? Does that mean that you've decided?"

"Yes, and yes. I like Rena and I want to be in a... three-way relationship? With both you and her."

Sky jumped into Prapai's arms and kissed him passionately. It took Prapai by surprise and too soon Sky was pulling away.

"Well then, you've got a lot of work to do. Luckily, you're persistent and good at grovelling."

"Thanks to you."

"What was that?"

"You are wonderful, my Sky. I don't know what I would do without you."

"See? As I said."

Sky burst out into giggles as Prapai attacked him with tickles.

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