Staying with You

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The drive back to Sky's apartment was silent until she pulled up outside.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"That was a bad idea. I shouldn't have asked you."

"No, it was fun until he ruined it. Are you okay?"

"What? I'm fine. I just feel bad that I put you in that position."

"I can handle myself. And don't feel bad. It's not your fault that guy grabbed your arm."

"It kind of was... I said something to provoke him."

"There's no excuse for violence. I saw the expression on his face, Rena, and it wasn't friendly."

"P'Prapai isn't - he didn't hurt me. Sky, he isn't a bad guy."

Sky didn't look convinced, and Rena felt bad. She hadn't wanted to cause him to dislike Prapai.

"It's late. I'm going to bed. Night, Rena."



The thought of him leaving had panicked her enough that she called out to stop him, but she didn't have the confidence to ask him what she wanted.

"Um, never mind."

"What is it?"

"It's okay. I - I don't want to bother you."


"Could I stay with you tonight?"


"I just don't want to be alone. Forget it. It was a silly idea."



Up in his apartment, Sky gave her one of his t-shirts to sleep in. As they lay in his bed, Rena was on her side facing him. As tired as she had felt earlier, now her head was once again spinning. She wasn't sure if Sky was asleep yet, but he had his eyes closed, so she took this opportunity to stare.

There was no denying it. The longer she admired him, the more she was sure that she no longer saw Sky as just a friend. Rena wanted to make him smile and feed him his favourite foods. She wanted him to call her beautiful again and look at her the way he had when he first saw her tonight. She replayed the moment he stood up against Prapai and stood in front of her, to protect her. Tonight, had changed the way she saw him and looking at him now her heart began to race again.

This was crazy. Rena was in love with Prapai. She had been for ages and still was if her reaction to him tonight was anything to go by. Was this her finally giving up on him by developing feelings for someone else?

"Sky, are you awake?"


"Have you ever been in love?"

For a moment Rena didn't think he was going to reply, but eventually, the silence was broken.

"I thought I was once."

"Did they love you back?"

"No. I... I learnt that the hard way."

"I know how that feels. Unrequited love. Sometimes I still hope he might look at me differently one day and then he does something to remind me how stupid I am for thinking that."

Sky turned onto his side and faced her.

"You're not stupid. Men are arseholes. All of them."

"You're not. You're kind and funny and smart. You're perfect."

He crinkled his nose.

"I'm not perfect."

"We can agree to disagree, but whoever wins your heart will be very lucky."

Rena was confused by the expression on Sky's face, but it only lasted a second before he was smiling at her. He reached out and tapped her on the nose.

"You're cute."

She blushed and looked away.

After a few moments, she looked at him again. There was one thing that she was very curious about and if she didn't ask now, she might never have a better opportunity.

"Sky... what happened the night P'Prapai saved you? You don't have to tell me, but when I said you were with me tonight, well, I've never seen him so determined. Usually, people go after him, not the other way around."

"He... he wanted payment for his help."


"I told you; all guys are arseholes."

"You mean, he - That doesn't sound like P'Pai."

Rena's heart sank as realised what Sky meant. It was hard to believe that he was talking about the Prapai she knew, or perhaps she hadn't known him that well after all. Seeing him in a new light changed everything. He had treated her well because she was willing to do anything he asked, and he knew it. She was silly to think that the few brief conversations they'd had meant that they were friends. At the end of the day, she had only ever been a companion on lonely nights for the racer, and one of many at that.

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