What a Reaction

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When Rena had picked Sky up the night of the next race, he had gotten into her car and stared at her. While she usually dressed up a bit for the races, she had to admit that she had made an extra special effort tonight. Even so, she hadn't expected Sky's reaction to her outfit.


"Huh? Nothing. Let's go."


Sky was quiet the whole way there, so Rena tried to break the silence by telling him stories of past races.

When they arrived, she was stopped from getting out of the car by a hand on her arm. She turned back to look at Sky who was glancing out the window nervously. Rena covered his hand with her own.

"Hey. Look at me."

Rena couldn't decipher exactly what she was seeing in Sky's eyes at that moment, but there was an underlying fear that worried her.

"Stick with me. I promised, remember. No one will bother you."

She could practically see Sky gather himself together and put on a mask.

"I'm hungry. Let's get food first."

As they walked through the crowd to the food trucks, Rena noticed Sky glancing around them. She was starting to believe that he was worried about running into someone here, but surely, he wouldn't be scared of Prapai and who else would he know?

They got food and then watched a race. It wasn't Prapai, which wasn't surprising, as the first race rarely was, but Rena knew he would be there somewhere waiting for someone to challenge him.

Rena had linked her arm with Sky's. One to make sure she didn't lose him in the crowd, and two she hoped it would comfort him as he still seemed a little uncomfortable. It didn't seem to help.

"If you're really uncomfortable we can go."

"No, I'm okay."

"Sky, you don't have to lie to me. Come on, let's go and watch a movie or something."

"It's not that, it's just... is it me, or does everyone keep looking at us?"

"Ah, they're probably just jealous that the cutest guy here is hanging out with me."

Rena squeezed Sky's arm as she smiled up at him, but he looked at her with a deadpan expression.

"That's definitely not the reason."

"Is that so? What is the reason then?"

As she waited for his answer, Rena ran her hand up Sky's chest and played with the collar of his shirt. He looked taken aback.

"Um, well... the opposite?"

"The opposite?"

Sky surprised Rena by grabbing her hand. His expression changed to one of confidence.

"They're jealous that the most beautiful girl here is hanging out with me."

She gaped at him, not even noticing as he moved her hand down to her side before letting go.

Rena was heading into dangerous territory. At first, she had approached Sky out of curiosity. She had just wanted to get to know him a little. Then she felt like they could be friends, but now looking at him had produced butterflies in her stomach. She had never felt this way with anyone other than Prapai.


They were interrupted by someone shouting his name. They both looked around until they spotted Rain waving furiously at him. Sky stepped to go towards his friend but stopped and looked at Rena. She smiled and waved him away.

"Go on. I'll catch up."

Rena waited until Sky had reached his friend before looking away. She held a hand over her racing heart as her mind tried to process what had just happened. Making her way through the crowd, she headed for somewhere less crowded so that she could get some air.

After a few minutes, she felt a presence behind her. Rena was about to tell whomever it was to leave her alone, but they spoke first.

"You look gorgeous tonight, Rena. Did you dress up for me?"

Her heart, which had only just returned to normal, started to race again. Rena turned around to see a familiar figure with a smirk on his handsome face.


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