Chapter 39

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The past month had been a dream for the two of them. Waking up beside each other, doing basically everything together, it was just like the old times. But there was one thing that was still weighing Elenore down, Charles. Deep down she knew that Charles would be happy for her, but what if he wasn't? What if he reacted like he did last time, or maybe even worse? She couldn't bear the thought of him disapproving of the relationship. It was at times like this that she missed her dad the most.

He was a fantastic man, he may have been hard on them but it was all thanks to him that Charles was racing in Formula One. Back in the day, Elenore and Charles were go-karting together and eventually, when Elenore realized that it wasn't for her, her dad sat her down and told her that no matter what she chose to do with her life, he would be her biggest supporter. The last thing he said to her before he passed was, 'My beautiful daughter, papa is so proud of you'. Just thinking about it made her tear up, she wished she had hugged him tighter the last time she saw him.

"Hi darling," Lando came into the dark bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed.
"So I was thinking that today we could- what's wrong?" He shifted and looked at Elenore who's cheeks were stained from tears.
"Nothing," she whispered.
"Baby," he whispered and pulled her into his arms. "Talk to me," he gently ran his hand through her hair trying to calm her.
"I miss my dad," she wept into his chest. Elenore never really gave herself time to grieve, she had to write her book and she had just moved to England. She didn't have time to cry.
"Oh my darling," Lando's heart broke as he heard her cries. He held her close to his chest and just let her cry, he knew that nothing he said would ease the pain of losing her dad. So he just wanted her to feel safe and that she knew that he was there for her.
"I miss him so much, Lando," she sobbed. "I wish he was here."
"I understand honey," he kissed her forehead. "It's okay to miss someone, I mean, he's your dad."
"I wish he got to see me grow up, I wish he could have seen Charles win in Formula One. I wish he could meet you," she sniffled. "I just really wish he was still here,"
"I wish I could have met him too, he seemed like an amazing person," he gently dried her tears. "Do you want to tell me about him?" He smiled softly.
"I would like that," she looked at him.

"When we were kids, my dad always used to hide our birthday gifts all over the house and make a scavenger map for us to find," she laughed lightly. "One year Charles couldn't find the last gift, but papa refused to tell him where it was. You should have seen the disappointment on his face when Charles found it, a month later and it was a book." She laughed as she thought about it.
"Now that's something I would do," Lando smiled, "tell me more."
"The first time I won a race in go-karting, I must have been like 11 and I got a trophy. Papa took it to his office and any time someone came into his office he would point at it and say 'My daughter won that'" She smiled. It was a bittersweet feeling that she felt, she was happy that she had such an amazing dad. But so mad at the world for taking him away from her.
"That's beautiful," Lando kissed her forehead again. "He sounds like the best dad ever,"
"He really was," she smiled weakly.
"He still is, even if he is dead, he is still your dad and he is still the best." He smiled.
"Thank you," She whispered and rested her head on his chest as she sat in his lap.
"For what?"
"Everything," she sighed contently. "You make me feel so, I don't know, whole?" She looked at him and smiled.
"I love you," he whispered and cupped her face.

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