Chapter 17

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The race had an exhilarating pace, almost echoing Lando's eagerness to finish and rush back to her. With only ten laps remaining, he held strong in fifth place, a fact that filled Elenore with pride. She'd attempted to reach out to Charles before the race, hoping for some sort of connection, but his usual stubbornness prevailed.

 Just as she looked away from the screen for what felt like less than a second there was a gasp let out through the entire crowd. Elenore quickly turned around to look at the screen and what she saw made her drop to the ground. Lando's car, a mangled wreck, hung upside down against the tire barrier. The garage, once bustling with noise, fell into a heavy silence, broken only by the desperate crackling of Lando's engineer trying to reach him. The silence on the radio was a void, an absence that magnified the gravity of the situation. Amidst the flurry of double yellow flags and the appearance of the safety car, Elenore's eyes remained glued to the screen, praying for a thumbs-up from one of the marshals, a sign that Lando was okay. But the marshal remained knelt, a picture of both helplessness and determination, unable to coax a response from the battered wreckage. Tears flowed down her cheeks unhindered, her breath hitching, and her body felt like a fragile leaf caught in a storm. Despite the crushing weight of despair, she found a stubborn well of determination deep within her. Her legs carried her forward in a blur until she stood before Lando's engineer.
"Can you patch me in?" Her voice wavered, the tremors a reflection of the storm of emotions inside her. "Please, right now." Her words fought to escape her lips amidst sobs that threatened to consume her.

Her plea hung suspended in the air, woven with threads of love and desperation. The radio responded with a crackle, a tenuous lifeline connecting her to the chaos unfolding on the track. Within her shattered heart, a yearning intensified – a yearning for any sign that would alleviate the gnawing fear, any hint that he was safe amid the tangled wreckage."Mon amour?" Her voice trembled, laden with fragility as if her words were feathers that might break if uttered too forcefully. "Please, Lando. Please answer." The radio remained stubbornly silent, devoid of the familiar voice that brought her comfort.


Time seemed to stretch, each second pulsating with anxiety. The racing world around her blurred as her focus narrowed to the screen, her gaze fixed on the scene of the accident. The marshals worked feverishly, their efforts a mix of urgency and caution as they sought to extract Lando from the crushed car. Finally, a flicker of movement amidst the wreckage caught her eye. Elenore's heart leaped in response, hope mingling with disbelief. Was it him? Was he okay? The seconds ticked by like hours as the marshall knelt beside the wreckage, a figure of determination, his focus unwavering. And then, a thumbs-up – a simple yet monumental gesture that felt like a lifeline thrown to her drowning heart.

A sob of relief escaped her lips, her body slumping with a mixture of gratitude and release. She wiped away her tears, her fingers trembling as if trying to erase the worry that had etched itself onto her face. The radio crackled once again, and this time, amidst the static, a voice emerged – Lando's voice, weak but unmistakably him."Elenore," his voice croaked, carrying a mix of pain and reassurance. "I'm... I'm okay." Her heart swelled at the sound of his voice, a melody of survival amidst the cacophony of uncertainty.Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks anew as the weight that had settled on her shoulders was lifted.  the ambulance came rolling in and Elenore desperately tried to let her in.

"I have to go with him," she said, her voice laced with fear, the fear of the unknown. She had no idea if he conscious or not, or how badly beaten he was. The noise and movement around her were secondary to her singular focus – being there for Lando in this critical moment. Without hesitation, she ran towards the entrance, intending to meet the ambulance as it rolled in. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, fueling her steps as she moved with purpose. The crowd around her seemed to part instinctively, sensing the gravity of her intent. She was driven by a force stronger than herself, a force rooted in love and the unyielding need to be by his side.

Seeing Lando being carefully lifted into the back of the ambulance ignited an urgency within her that she couldn't ignore. Her legs carried her swiftly towards the vehicle, driven by a need to be at his side, to offer him whatever comfort she could in that moment. She arrived just in time, her heart pounding, as the ambulance doors began to close."Wait!" Elenore's voice trembled, a mixture of desperation and determination in her tone. She stretched her arm out, her hand landing on the door just before it could shut her out."Please, you have to let me see him," she implored, her eyes pleading with the paramedics. "He's my boyfriend, and..." Her voice trailed off, the enormity of the situation weighing on her words. The paramedic turned to her, his expression a mix of empathy and professionalism. "Ma'am, he's conscious and stable," he assured her, his tone gentle yet determined. "But we need to get him to the hospital immediately for a thorough evaluation." Elenore's heart ached with the conflict between her desire to be by Lando's side and her understanding of the medical urgency. She couldn't handle the thought of being separated from him, not now when he needed her most. The seconds ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity as she grappled with her emotions."Please," she pleaded once more, her voice quivering. "Just let me go with you. I need to be with him. I need to hold his hand and know he's okay." The paramedic exchanged a glance with his colleague, a silent communication that seemed to convey their understanding of the situation. Finally, he nodded, his gaze softening."Alright, you can ride with us," he conceded, his tone kind. "But please understand, we'll be focused on providing him the care he needs." Elenore nodded, gratitude flooding her heart. With a mixture of relief and anxiety, she stepped back briefly to allow them to open the doors fully. As she climbed into the ambulance, her eyes locked onto Lando's figure on the stretcher. Despite the neck brace and his injured arm, he managed to muster a faint smile."Elenore," his voice was fragile, carrying the weight of his ordeal. "I am here, mon amour," she reassured him softly, her voice a soothing balm for his pain. "It will all be alright."

As the ambulance doors closed once more, Elenore settled herself beside Lando. Her fingers found his, their touch a reassurance that they were facing this together. Outside, the siren's wail pierced the air as the ambulance surged forward, cutting through the city's streets with a sense of urgency that mirrored their emotions. Lando's eyes wandered down to his arm, visibly injured and distorted. Pain etched lines of discomfort on his face, and his vulnerability was palpable. The paramedic, his demeanor calm and experienced, reached for Lando's arm to examine it more closely.
"Yeah, it's broken," the paramedic confirmed matter-of-factly, his tone tinged with professional sympathy. "We'll get you something for the pain as soon as we reach the hospital."
Lando squeezed his eyes shut, perhaps trying to wrestle with the pain or simply to escape the reality of the situation. The knowledge that he wouldn't be able to race for a significant amount of time must have added to his distress.
"Mon amour?" Elenore's touch on his cheek was gentle, her love a comforting presence. "It will all be alright. I will be by your side every single step of the way. I promise." Her words were infused with a determination that matched the strength of her feelings. In the midst of uncertainty, her unwavering support served as a lifeline, anchoring him to a sense of hope and perseverance.

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