Chapter 9

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Elenore had always loved traveling. The feeling of going somewhere new was exhilarating. And the fact that she was going to travel with Lando made it even better; they had traveled together before. But it had never been just the two of them.

Their alarm went off at 5 AM, and they both groaned as they realized that they had to get up.
"I don't want to get up," Lando whined as he nuzzled his face into the crock of Elenores neck.
"We have to, mon amour." Elenore stroked her hand over his back.
"What did you call me?" He looked up at her with a little smile.
"Mon amour," just the way that she said it, sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't help but smile even wider.
"I like it," he said, kissing her softly.
"You do?" She smiled sweetly.
"Yeah." He once again kissed her before rolling over and sitting up.
Elenore sat up and rubbed her eyes. She was still anxious about seeing Charles and having to lie to him. She had talked to him yesterday and told him that she was invited to the Azerbaijan Grand Prix by Daniel, so she would be spending the race in the Mclaren garage. She knew that Charles only thought of Daniel as her best friend, which he was, so it was the perfect cover-up. She would be able to spend the entire weekend with Lando without anyone being suspicious.

Flying in a private plane is quite different from flying commercially. The plane is a lot smaller, so turbulence could be more noticeable. But Elenore didn't really care; she knew that she was safe.
"You ready?" Lando was sitting across from her, smiling.
"I am ready," she smiled.
As the plane started to take off, she reached out a hand to Lando, which he happily grabbed. They sat there, looking out of the windows, just holding hands. Not a single word was said. Once they reached cruising altitude, Lando unbuckled his seatbelt and motioned to Elenore to come and sit down on his lap.
"Lando, we are on a plane," she giggled.
"So? I won't be able to touch you during the entire weekend, so I have to take advantage of these moments." He said it with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
"We will be sleeping in the same room, Lando," she sighed, but she made her way over to him, plopping down on his lap.
"But I won't be able to show the world that you are mine," he whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her.
"But I am yours, all yours, mon amour," she smiled.
"And I am yours," Lando said with a smile on his face.

Landing in Azerbaijan, the weather was perfect. The sun was out, and there were no clouds to be seen.
"There will be a lot of media at our hotel, so I would suggest wearing this," Lando said, handing Elenore one of his Mclaren hoodies. "Just pull up the hood once we get to the hotel, and no one will see you." He smiled, but Elenore could tell that this hurt him. Not being able to show the world that they were together put a strain on him.
"Thank you, Lando; it means a lot that you are willing to do this for me." She slipped the hoodie over her body and tied up her hair. "I'll tell Charles as soon as I find the right moment," she said, looking at him with a hopeful look.
"Thank you, El." He stood up and walked over to her, bending down and lifting her face with his pointer finger under her chin. "Now let's do this," he said, kissing her.

Lando was right; the hotel they were staying at was swarmed with paparazzi, and the cameras were flashing like crazy when they both stepped out. Elenore had pulled up the hood over her head and used a hat to shield her face from the flashes. As they got inside, security managed to get hold of all of the cameras, and Elenore could finally breathe again.
"Are you okay?" Lando snaked an arm around her waist and whispered in her ear.
"Yeah, I'm okay," she smiled. "I wonder who they think I am," she giggled.
"It doesn't matter, because I know that it is you, and that is all that matters." He leaned down and quickly kissed her.

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