Chapter 19

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It had been a challenging week since the crash, and Lando had finally been able to go home the previous night. The decision to return to London had been made swiftly, but they soon realized that escaping the media circus wouldn't be as easy as they had hoped. Opting for a late-night flight, they had assumed that the paparazzi and fans would have diminished. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. As they stepped out of the hospital, camera flashes nearly blinded them, and the paparazzi yelled all sorts of hurtful comments.
"Lando! How does it feel to be shagging your friend's sister?!" someone screamed, their words dripping with malice.
"She's just sleeping with you for the money, mate!" another voice chimed in, the accusations cutting deep. Elenore had braced herself for the public scrutiny, but hearing such accusations stung nonetheless. Lando quickly wrapped his arm around her waist as they got into the car. "Don't listen, darling," he comforted her.
"It just hurts," Elenore sighed, her distress evident.
"I know," Lando acknowledged with understanding, gently squeezing her to offer reassurance.
"But soon we'll be back in London, and we can leave all this behind."Elenore nodded, finding solace in his embrace.
"I can't wait to get back home. I miss my bed," she chuckled. Lando laughed, the sound warm and comforting.
"You've only been away for a week. Imagine how I felt." Elenore smiled mischievously.
"Do you think I enjoyed sleeping in a small hospital room for the past week?" His smirk returned as he teased her.
"Well, you did sleep like a baby."
"Only when you weren't snoring," she giggled.
"Says you, who talks in her sleep," Lando raised an eyebrow.
"I do not!" she gasped sarcastically. He playfully imitated her voice, earning a light slap on his arm.
"Oh, Lando. Oh, Lando, I love you," he teased. Elenore rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. "Oh, shut up." Their playful banter eased the tension as they made their way to the waiting plane. The night flight promised a morning arrival in London, so Elenore ensured she was comfortable, bracing for the long journey ahead.

As the plane ascended, Elenore gazed out at the Montreal skyline, finding it oddly beautiful in the quiet darkness.
"Darling?" Lando's voice interrupted her thoughts, and she turned to him, a warm smile spreading across her face.
"Yes, mon amour?" she replied, captivated by his blue eyes.
"Could you help me a bit?" he asked, pointing at his back. "I've been trying to itch my back for ten minutes, but this cast isn't making it easy."Elenore chuckled and rose from her seat, walking over to him.
"Turn around," she instructed. Lando complied, and Elenore gently scratched his back.


Lando gazed at Elenore, who had curled up in her seat and drifted off to sleep during the long flight. He couldn't help but smile, overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude and love. She looked so peaceful in slumber, her serene expression bringing him comfort and contentment. Gently, he reached out and caressed her cheek, a tender gesture to wake her from her dreams.
"Love, we're here," he whispered, his voice soft and affectionate. Elenore's eyes slowly fluttered open, the drowsiness giving way to awareness as she met his gaze.
"Home," she smiled.
"Yes, we are home." As Elenore sat up and stretched, the reality of being back in London began to sink in. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as they prepared to leave the plane and head home. Her apartment in London had been a sanctuary for their love, a place where they had shared countless moments of happiness and intimacy. With a shared smile, they gathered their belongings and made their way off the plane. The London air felt familiar and welcoming, like an old friend.

The taxi ride from the airport to Elenore's apartment was filled with chatter and laughter. They caught up on the events they had missed during their time away, discussing everything from Formula 1 news to plans for the upcoming weekend. Finally, they arrived at Elenore's apartment building. It was a charming place, nestled in a quiet neighborhood that provided a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. The two of them climbed the stairs to her apartment, their steps light with anticipation. As they entered her apartment, a sense of comfort washed over them. It was a cozy space, filled with memories of their time together. The scent of home surrounded them, and Elenore couldn't help but feel a deep sense of relief as she closed the door behind them. Lando wrapped his arms around her, drawing her close.
"It's good to be back," he whispered, his voice filled with affection, as he lowered down and kissed her sweetly. Elenore nodded, her heart swelling with love."I couldn't agree more. There's just something about this place that makes me feel so at peace."Lando gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face. He leaned in to kiss her again, his lips meeting hers in a soft, lingering embrace.
"I love you," he smiled into the kiss."I love you more, mon amour," she replied, her fingers gently tracing the contours of his face.Their love, deep and unwavering, felt like an anchor in their lives, grounding them no matter where they went or what challenges they faced. Lando, looking more serious now, took a deep breath as if he was about to share something important.
"Elenore, there's something I've been thinking about." Elenore tilted her head, her curiosity piqued."What is it?"He hesitated for a moment, his fingers lacing with hers.
"I want you to meet my parents." Elenore's eyes widened in surprise, and then a warm smile graced her lips."Really? You want me to meet your parents?" Lando nodded, his gaze unwavering."Yes, absolutely. They should know the amazing woman who has captured my heart."Elenore's heart fluttered with happiness. Meeting his parents was a significant step, a sign of how deeply their relationship had grown.
"I'd love to, Lando." Relief washed over him, and he leaned in to kiss her forehead.
"Thank you, Elenore. I know they'll adore you as much as I do."

As they snuggled together on their couch, the cozy embrace of their apartment seemed to envelop them, filling them with a sense of home and belonging. Their love story, with all its adventures and shared moments, was moving forward, and they were excited to see where life would lead them next, hand in hand. Elenore gently traced circles on the back of Lando's hand with her thumb, her thoughts wandering to the future.
"When do you think we should plan this meeting with your parents?" Lando considered for a moment.
"How about next week? It would give us some time to settle back in and prepare." Elenore nodded in agreement.
"Sounds like a plan. I'll look forward to it, and I promise not to be too nervous." Lando grinned, his eyes filled with tenderness.
"You'll be amazing, Elenore. Just be yourself." They sat together in a cozy silence, the warmth of their love enveloping them like a familiar, comforting blanket.

Elenore's gaze drifted toward Lando, her eyes filled with questions that had been dancing on the edge of her thoughts for some time.
"Lan?" she softly uttered, her voice tinged with both curiosity and apprehension. Lando turned to her, his azure eyes locking onto hers with an unwavering affection.
"Yes, darling?" he replied, a gentle smile gracing his lips, as though he could sense the weight of her unspoken words. Taking a deep breath, Elenore summoned the courage to articulate her thoughts, aware that this conversation was essential.
"How long until you can race again?" Her voice trembled slightly, but her determination pushed her forward. "I mean... How much time will we have together?" Lando met her gaze with understanding, the corners of his lips curling upwards as he considered his response. "The doctor said two months," he began, his words filled with optimism. "But I have a feeling it might be closer to one month, maybe one and a half. So, we'll have around a month together, at best." Elenore absorbed this information, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. It was more time than she had feared, yet far less than she had hoped for. She felt the ache of impending separation, the longing for his presence by her side. But before doubt could fully creep in, she spoke her heart.
"I'll go with you," Lando's reaction was a mix of astonishment and hope, his azure eyes widening in surprise.
"What?" he exclaimed as if needing to confirm the reality of her statement. Her resolve was unwavering.
"I can't bear the thought of being apart from you for another two months, Lando. I am coming with you," she affirmed, her voice filled with unwavering determination. Lando's surprise transformed into gratitude, his heart swelling with love for the incredible woman before him. He pulled her into a tight embrace, his arms enfolding her with tenderness and affection.
"I love you, Elenore," he whispered, his voice tinged with emotion. Elenore nestled into his embrace, her head resting against his chest, feeling the reassuring rhythm of his heartbeat. "We'll face whatever comes together, Lando. No matter where life takes us."

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