Chapter 12

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It had been one heck of a day for Lando and Elenore. The race had its ups and downs – he snagged a solid P5, bagging some good points for the team. But damn it, he was this close to grabbing P4, except Charles was being all stubborn. Even when Lando's DRS kicked in, Charles shut the door, risking a major crash. Lando was pretty much fuming when he rolled back into the garage. And then, there was Elenore, trying to talk some sense into Charles. It was like adding fuel to the fire. She was hustling after him in the Ferrari garage, but Charles acted like she was invisible. Lando's fists clenched; his frustration skyrocketed. Seriously, whatever the issue was, it couldn't be so huge that Charles would go all mute on his own sister, right? Lando adored his sisters – yeah, they had their squabbles, but never to this extent. This silent treatment was on a whole new level.


"Lando?" Elenore's voice cut through his thoughts.
"Yeah?" He turned and locked eyes with her. "Is there something wrong?"
"No, I just can't seem to sleep," she sighed, laying on her back.
"Same here," he admitted.
"Let's sneak out for a stroll or something," she suggested, sitting up and snatching a shirt. "I want to soak in more of Baku."
"Sounds like a plan."

It was well past midnight, and for the first time ever, they didn't have to worry about cameras or headlines. They could just be them, holding hands, as they walked.
"This is nice," Elenore grinned, their fingers intertwined. "Being able to do this," she gestured at their hands, "and this," she leaned in and planted a quick kiss on his lips.
"Absolutely," he agreed with a smile.

They wandered along the beach, waves whispering serenity and their togetherness filling the quiet night.
"Want to go for a swim?" Lando nodded toward the ocean.
"Haha, no way," Elenore laughed, shivering just from the thought. "It's gotta be freezing!"
"Come on," he scooped her up effortlessly, tossing her over his shoulder.
"Hey, put me down!" Giggles bubbled from her.
"Never," he teased, and before she knew it, they were in the water. "See? Not so bad," he said, letting her stand.
"It's horrible, I'm keeping my shirt dry," Elenore declared, pulling off her hoodie and tossing it ashore.
"Since when do you care about a shirt getting wet?" Lando pretended innocence, though his eyes twinkled. She looked amazing in just a bra – he couldn't help but notice.
"Up here, mister," she joked, snapping her fingers to regain his attention. "Eyes on my face!" She laughed.
"Come here," he opened his arms, and she stepped into his embrace. He held her close, her legs around his waist.
"Look," she pointed upward, "the Big Dipper."
Lando gazed at the starry sky. "Wow, it's beautiful."
"Right? Though, I'm seriously freezing. Hotel, please?" Elenore shivered.
"Just a sec, got something to do," Lando announced, diving underwater. Elenore held on for dear life, only letting go when she realized he was heading down. She popped back up to the surface, shivering. "Lando Norris!" she yelled. But he just laughed. Moments later, he was wrapping her in his arms, holding her close despite her playful protests.
"You look gorgeous," he complimented.
"You're kidding, right? I look like a drowned rat," she scoffed.
"Maybe a bit, but that's alright. You're still beautiful to me."
"Why the sudden sweetness?"
"Because," he took a breath, "there's something I want to ask you, El."
"Go on," she grinned.
"Elenore Gabriella Leclerc," her full name? This must be serious Elenore thought. "Will you be my girlfriend?"The air seemed to vanish from Elenore's lungs. She blinked at him, then broke into a smile. Lando's nervousness dissipated as her grin spread.
"Yes," she nodded. "Yes!" she exclaimed, closing the gap between them with a passionate kiss that knocked Lando backward into the water. Both resurfaced, laughing.
"Time to head back?" he suggested.
"Yeah, definitely."

That night, they fell asleep entwined, reassured that even in a world that might crumble, they were safe in each other's arms. Amidst the chaos, they were each other's constant, their ultimate safety net. In this whirlwind existence, that one person who would always be there, that was worth everything

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