Chapter 32

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Elenore was pacing around her apartment, still trying to figure out what to do with herself. She had no one to talk to, no one to call. And even if she did have one, her phone was completely wrecked. She had no idea what to do, what could she do? She couldn't really go there, could she? Or maybe she could. Maybe she could go to the airport and get the next flight out to Monaco and go right to his place? Yeah, that was definitely what she was going to do. She ran to her bedroom and packed a small suitcase with the bare essentials. She knew it was a risky move, but she couldn't bear the thought of Lando believing that she had betrayed him, especially after hearing the pain in his voice.

Quickly grabbing her passport and a few important documents, she made her way to the nearest airport. Elenore's hands were trembling, and her heart felt like a drumbeat in her chest. The cityscape outside her window whizzed by, lost in her thoughts. She had no idea how Lando would react to her sudden appearance, but she had to try. Their love was too important to let misunderstandings stand in the way.

Arriving at the airport, Elenore checked the departure board for the next flight to Monaco. There it was, a flight leaving within a few hours. She purchased a ticket, her heart pounding with every key she pressed. The time between buying the ticket and the flight's departure felt both excruciatingly long and incredibly short. The flight was a blur of anxiety and anticipation. Elenore couldn't sit still; she kept thinking about what she would say to Lando when she saw him. The memory of their last conversation weighed heavily on her mind. She knew that even with all the love between them, there were issues that needed addressing.

When the plane finally touched down in Monaco, Elenore felt her nerves reaching their peak. She collected her suitcase and took a deep breath. There was no turning back now. She hailed a cab, directing the driver to Lando's place. Her hands were clammy, and her heart raced as she replayed the words she would say to him. She hoped that he would be willing to listen, that their love could overcome the obstacles in its path. The cab pulled up in front of Lando's apartment building. Elenore paid the driver and took a moment to compose herself. Then, clutching her suitcase tightly, she headed to the entrance, determined to make things right with the man she loved.

She entered the portcode, knowing it from memory. She remembered when Lando signed the contract for the apartment, he had made her memorize the port code so she wouldn't be locked out. 2093, it was tattoed on her brain. She entered the code, and low and behold, it worked. She swung the door open and hurried to the elevator. She was so close, she could practically hear him. She racked her brain, which floor was the apartment on now again? 4? No, no it was definetly higher up than that. Maybe 9? Or wait no it was defiently 11. One hundred percent. Or more like 95 but oh well.

She knocked on every singel door, and every single time she was either met by an old man or his nurse. The last door, it had to be it. She raised her hand and knocked carefully, her stomach twisting and turning. The door opened, and Elenores breath hitched. It was him. It was Lando.
"El?" His jaw dropped.
"Lando," Elenore smiled softly, "I am so sorry, but I have to explain myself." Lando looked behind him nervously before he stepped into the corridor closed the door behind him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He whispers.
"Lando, I have to explain myself-" she begins to talk.
"Elenore, you can't be here," he interupted her "I am with Luisa,"
"But last night," her faced dropped. "You- you said you missed me," she whispered.
"Last night was a mistake," he said coldly.
"Lando, please," she sighs "please, I promise you me and Pierre, we never-"
"But he was worth ruining our relationship over?" He snapped.
"Lando you are not being fair, I only-" she took a deep breath to calm herself, "I only slept with Pierre because I was jealous, you were making out with some girl and I wanted to get back at you."
"That dosen't change the fact that you lied to me," Lando lowered his voice, he sounded like the man that she once fell in love with. Her knees went weak.
"Lando I never meant to lie, I never meant to hurt your feelings," she pleaded with him, "I was so scared losing you and I did." She whispered and looked down on the floor.
"Look El," Lando sighed. "I wish I could go back and change the past, I really do." He hooked his pointer finger under her chin and lifted her head to meet his gaze.
"I wish I stayed and talked to you that night, instead of running away." He smiled softly, "But El, it's too late for us. Our time has passed." Elenore felt her heart break all over again.
"But-" she whimpered, "But Lando I love you,"
"I love you too," he whispered, "but I guess we werent meant to be and we'll just have to accept that."
"I don't think I can," her voice broke.
"El, I have Luisa now and you really should move on." He looked at her, a weak smile on his lips.
"Lando," she sighed, "I can't,"
"I promise you, you can. I believe in you," a tear fell from his eye.
"Lando please," she begged, "I would do anything for you to give me a second chance." She began to cry.
"El go home," he whispered, "maybe in another lifetime my darling," he kissed her forehead before he opened his front door.

Elenore wanted to scream, to shut his front door and make him stay with her, she wanted him to listen. But she knew he was right, maybe in another lifetime.

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