Chapter 30

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As night spread over Monaco, Lando couldn't drop the feeling of guilt. Luisa had to leave that night, she had a photo shoot in Paris the next day. Being alone made him feel even more guilty because he was only thinking about Elenore, not Luisa. Everything in his apartment reminded him of Elenore suddenly. He had moved into the apartment that was meant to be theirs, it was meant for them to live in, cook dinner together, have lazy movie nights, and most of all, be with each other. 

That night that he found out about Pierre, he had gone to the apartment. He sat down on the balcony and cried, oh how he cried. It was like his heart had broken into a million pieces and nothing could glue it back together. As he stood on the balcony where he had cried many nights, Lando silently wished that he could turn back time, undo the pain that had unfolded, and find a way to mend the rift between him and Elenore. Yet, he knew the past couldn't be rewritten, and he was left to grapple with the heartache that had marked his life since their parting. 

As he turned around to head back inside, his gaze fell upon the box. He remembered the letter. Perhaps, in those written words, he could find some solace, some answers to the questions that haunted his thoughts. With trembling hands, he hastily opened the box and retrieved the letter, finding a place on the floor to sit. The letter, a delicate piece of paper, now held the promise of delivering answers or perhaps more questions, and Lando's hands shook with anticipation as he carefully unfolded it

                                                                                                                                                                June 15th 2021

Hi Lan,
I don't even know where to start, mon amour. As I write this, you're thousands of miles away in Canada, and I'm here at home... well, without you, it doesn't feel much like home at all. You're my safe haven, you know? I've never felt so secure, so utterly loved as when I'm in your arms. Every time I look at you, it's like I won the jackpot, and I can't believe you chose me. Every day, you choose me, and that's the greatest gift I've ever received. It's like you saw my messy, complicated soul and thought, "Yep, that's the one I want to spend my life with." How did I get so lucky?

I wake up every morning and can't help but think about how lucky I am to have you in my life. Right now, at this moment, I wish you were here to give me a big, reassuring hug. I need to hear your voice, your heartbeat, to know that everything is going to be alright. I just need you. No, not in a dirty way (although, well... maybe sometimes), but in the way that I need you beside me for the rest of my life. I'm talking marriage, kids, and growing old together. I can't wait for the day we're wrinkled and gray, sitting in our cozy home with our grandchildren running around, and you telling them the epic tales of your racing days and how you used to dominate the track. I'm so proud of you, of all that you've achieved and all that you are.

I'm trying to put into words how much you mean to me, but honestly, there aren't enough words in the world. You're the better half of my soul, the melody of my heart, and the love of my life. I can't wait for all the adventures we'll share, the love we'll nurture, and the future we'll build together. I think that this is my way to say that I love you, Lando Norris. I love you. 
Forever and always, Elenore


As he finished reading the letter he was gasping for air, he was crying so hard. His hands were shaking and he could barely breathe. He missed her, so much. Right at that moment he didn't care that she had once lied, he didn't care that she had slept with Pierre. He just wanted her, he wanted to hold her. He needed her. 

He picked up her phone and dialed her number, he needed to hear her voice.

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