Chapter 11

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Elenore had been trying to reach Charles all day, but her calls were sent straight to voicemail. She felt horrible, not only did he know about her and Pierre but she didn't tell him about Lando. Something that made her feel like a horrible person. But something that made her feel even worse was the fact that she couldn't tell Lando why Charles was mad at her. She couldn't bring herself to tell him that she had slept with Pierre the same night that she slept in his hotel room. Lando would be crushed and probably leave her. But today was race day and she knew that she needed to be there to support Lando. She was wearing a Mclaren shirt today, something that Lando would gladly get used to. He stood behind her as she was curling her hair. 
"You look cute," he pecked her on her cheek. 
"Thank you," she smiled. "And also," she sighed, "I am so sorry that I didn't tell Charles about us," her smile disappeared.
"It's okay," he hugged her from behind, resting his head on her shoulder. "I mean, of course, I wish that we could hold hands outside but I don't mind sneaking around. It's kind of fun," he smiled. Elenore turned to the side and kissed the top of his head. 
"You sure?"  Elenore finished curling her hair and grabbed her makeup. 
"A hundred percent," he stood up straight and grabbed his toothbrush. "We need to leave in 10 minutes, just so you know." 
"I know mon amour, I just don't want to look dead." She laughed. 

Arriving at the paddock and seeing all the boys were exactly what she needed. She loved all of the drivers, they were always so sweet, even though they were sometimes very annoying. 
"El!" Daniel came running up to them, "I had no idea you'd be here." He hugged her. 
"Yeah, it was kind of last minute," she smiled. "But I am so excited to be here and cheer you guys on." 
"Wait you are staying with Mclaren today?" He smiled, "Finally!"  All three of them laughed and they were on their way to the garage. 

The boys had to go to a team meeting so Elenore was left behind in Lando's driving room. She tried again to call Charles, but it went straight to voicemail. She swallowed the tears that were starting to well up and took a deep breath, she had to try to explain herself, but how? 

Hi Charles, I just really wanted to apologize. I know that I promised you that I wouldn't do anything with Pierre but I did it anyway, I just want you to know that he and I are nothing, I have no feelings towards him. It was just a stupid drunk decision. I still really want to talk to you about something, please answer me. I love you! 

She sighed, she knew that he wouldn't forgive her, but maybe he would let her explain herself. But what would she say? That she only slept with his best friend because she wanted to make his other friend jealous? Oh, god, no matter what she would say Charles would hate her. She sank into the chair, ready to give up. She felt tears stream down her cheeks. The door suddenly swung open and Daniel looked at her with a surprised look. 
"El? Are you okay?" Elenore was quick to dry her tears. 
"Yeah, I am fine," she smiled weakly. 
"No you are not," he closed the door behind him and crouched down in front of her. "What's going on El?" 
"I can't tell you," she sniffled. 
"Yes you can, I promise not to judge." He smiled lovingly, "I promise."
"If I tell you, you have to promise to not tell anybody."  She dried her tears. 
"I promise," 
Elenore took a deep breath, 
"Okay so when we were in Monaco I sort of hooked up with Pierre," she avoided eye contact but could see the confused expression on his face. 
"What? Why?" He shook his head. 
"Because I was jealous, I saw Lando with a girl and wanted to make him jealous." She finally looked Daniel in the eyes, he looked confused. 
"What, Lando..?" 
"Yes, and that night I slept in his hotel room and then when I left for England I felt lost." She took a deep breath, "When I got into my apartment I was so overwhelmed that I had a panic attack and called Lando. So he left Monaco and came to England to be with me." She scratched her head. She could tell that Daniel was still processing everything because he was dead silent. 
"Okay, so let me get this straight," he knitted his eyebrows together, "you and Lando, are a thing?" Elenore laughed. 
"Well we have kissed a couple of times, but we aren't boyfriend/girlfriend, at least I don't think so." She smiled, 
"Wait you have only kissed?" He looked even more confused now. 
"Yes, Danny," she giggled, "only kissed." 
"But why were you crying?" He looked puzzled. 
"Because I went to tell Charles about everything last night but Pierre told him that we slept together and he got really mad. And I can't tell Lando about Pierre, because he would be so upset." She felt a tear drop from her eye. 
"I understand, but you will have to tell him some time and Charles is Charles, I mean he is your brother, he can't be mad at you forever." 
"You are right, I-" The door once again swung open. 
"Darling, are you-" Lando stopped in his tracks when he saw Daniel. "Uh, I mean-" 
"I told him everything," Elenore interrupted him. "It's okay," she stood up and walked over to him. 
"Oh thank god, I was so scared that I had just ruined everything." He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her close. 
"I'm going to leave you two alone," Daniel laughed and hurried out. 
"I told him everything Lando," she turned around to face him. "It felt so good to finally be able to tell someone," she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. He bent down and connected their lips. Lando leaned in even closer, but Elenore started giggling.
"Not here, mon amour." She pushed him away lightly, "You have to get ready for the race." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed the tip of his nose.  

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