Chapter 21: Beach Party

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Chapter 21: Beach Party

By 6 in the evening, Zac came to John's house. Zac knocked at the door for atleast four times while John was just sitting tight in the sofa scrolling in his phone. Then when John heard it, he stood up and went to the door and opened it. He saw Zac with Scafford, Theia and Isaac and let them in.

"Greetings!" The first word Scafford held when he went in. "Hi then guys. It's nice to meet you again." John replied then closed the door.

And all sat in the sofa to talk about the beach party for tomorrow. "So, who will be attending tomorrow?" John asked looking at Zac who was in his front left. "So far, this is the list. I'll read it aloud." Scafford said. "Me (Scafford), Keishley, Delly, Lian, Claire, Altri, Abi, Sir Commers, Isaac, Theia, Zac and Bert." Scafford reading the list then clears throat and looked straight to John.

"Only them?" John asking with doubts.

"The rest are not yet paid but they promised to pay me tomorrow. They are Hasley, Joshua and Jolmin but you may add some of your relatives. What about your brother, Brand? Mizy? Or Joey?". Scafford said and at the same time asked John to also invite his relatives to the party.

"My brother is always busy then I'm shy to invite Mizy and maybe her parents won't even allow then I'm not sure with Joey". John answered.

"Ok then. We're all set for tomorrow." Theia voiced out softly. "Yeah! Thank you for coming." John answered.

Afterwards, Scafford, Theia and Isaac stood up and left.

The Party:

John woke up at 9:00 AM, and went immediately downstairs to eat his early meal. He took a piece of bread with peanut butter. Then, Lian chatted John asking if he's already at the meeting place, in the beach. John replied, "Not yet because I'm still finishing my meal." Then their chat continued.

At 9:40 AM, John is already going to the beach but suddenly, their neighbor, Alexis stood at his front. They talked for a moment and when Scafford, Zac and Joshua is about to fetch John, they saw him talking to someone else. Alexis decided to get out by telling John, "Ok then, see you around." Because she noticed someone is waiting for him.

Scafford, Zac and Joshua went near to John. Joshua asked, "Who's that girl you were talking to?" John answered, "She's Alexis, our new neighbor." Zac replied, "Oh, but I or we tell you, don't do again the mistake you've done with Ronalyn." "I still regret that day." John said.

By 9:50 AM, John, Scafford, Zac and Joshua reached their destination. And they met Isaac, Theia, Sir Commers, Delly, Abi, Bert, Hasley, Claire, Altri and Jolmin with Lian. When John saw Jolmin with Lian, he felt a little jealousy but he didn't want to ruin the good day. He didn't bother anyway.

"What are you waiting for? Let's enjoy!" Bert shouting with excitement then ran through the sands.  Bert proceeded while Altri, Scafford, Zac, Isaac and Hasley followed him.

Sir Commers just stood watching them while John proceeded to the hotel room they'll be checked in. Joshua accompanied him.

The room they've  got is room 11 of the 2nd floor. But the hotel here is not that big but it only consists of 3 floors and maybe an estimation of 23 or 25 rooms. So John brought up his things as well as Joshua's and headed to that room and changed outfits.

The beach is awesome! Almost all enjoyed the sand and the flowing waves of the sea. But John can't take it to see Jolmin and Lian together.

In the middle of the afternoon, Claire approached John who was sitting in the yellow sand watching the waves and Bert with Isaac, Zac, Altri, Hasley and Keishley swimming.

"Hi John!" Claire's greetings to John. She added "It's been a while since we haven't talked yet."

John replied gazing Claire, "Yah! Hey there. I just got busy in school. Of course, you know the life in grade 10. It's like a roller coaster like going back and forth or going to the ups and downs." Then John chuckled.

"Did you get to move on upon May's death?" A sincere question of Claire to John. And John answered, "Somehow, I can because I have to  but they truth is that, I can't still forget her death. It's still buried under my heart."

"Me too." Claire said, "I miss her. Theia and even Abi do miss her, but we have to accept the fact that.... she's gone."

"She's gone but in my heart, in our heart, she'll remain." John said to Claire with a sad tone.

At 4:18 PM, John saw Jolmin talking to Zac and Isaac which made John wonder. Then Hasley joined them talking. John wondered why.

John's Chance to Lian:

Lian is with Delly and Abi but later on, Delly left while Abi joined with Claire and Theia. She was left alone watching the beautiful view of the beach. Then there, John got his chance.

John sat beside Lian looking at her, then Lian looked at him. "Hi" John said with a smile. Lian replied, "Hello!" With also a smile. At that moment, John really wanted to express how he loves Lian but his powers can't. He enjoyed that moment he talks to her.

At evening, all of them took their dinner together, but before they ate, Sir Commers asked for a picture taking. Scafford said, "That's a great idea sir." Then Scafford released and exposed his phone and took a selfie of all the members. After dinner, everyone went to their respective rooms they've rented in the hotel.

Jolmin was Rejected:

The next day, at 6 AM, John woke up to take a bath and changed garments for they are already leaving. Isaac is outside the hotel to have a fresh air. While Keishley, Hasley, Altri and Joshua play billiards in a restaurant near the hotel. Meanwhile, Sir Commers fixes his bag while Bert and Zac are still sleeping. Lian, Delly, Abi, Claire, Theia and Scafford are at the beach not to go for swimming but just to look at its view.

Jolmin saw Lian there and decided to do his plan on courting her. So Jolmin went near to Lian and asked, "Can I talk to you? With only the two of us?" Then Lian let Abi, Delly, Claire and Theia stay away first for Jolmin's request.

"You're so beautiful Lian, with that pink dress  and a ribbon on your hair." Jolmin said as he describes Lian while he gently rolls his hand to her hair.

"Do you need something?" Lian asked.

"None, but I'll just confess something." Jolmin said while scratching his back neck.

"Yeah sure! What is it?" Lian's reply to Jolmin.

"May I court you? As my girlfriend?" Jolmin started to confess his feelings through courting Lian.

When Lian heard of this, she got pale and looked like, ran out of interest to Jolmin. So Lian softly said to Jolmin, "Sorry, I don't like you. I'm so sorry." And she left but Lian never meant to break Jolmin's heart but Jolmin is not her type.

But Jolmin held Lian's hand and said, "Please, I can't live without you. Give me a chance to prove my love for you. I love you Lian." Jolmin continues to plead for Lian to love him the way he loves her.

"No. I'm only your friend." Lian said and ran away. Jolmin had nothing to do but to cry instead.

Meanwhile, Scafford, Keishley, Delly, Lian, Claire, Altri, Abi, Sir Commers, Isaac, Theia, Zac, Bert, Joshua, John, Hasley and Jolmin assembled in the hotel. "So how? Keep safe in your trip home everybody." Sir Commers' message before everyone gets home. "Thank you guys thank you!" Everyone's message to each other. And then left with an enjoyment grabbed from the party.

Sir Commers went home along with Scafford who is with Theia, while Jolmin is with Altri and John with Lian, Zac, Bert and Joshua. Claire is with Abi and Hasley while Keishley went home together with Isaac.

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