Chapter 14: Lian's Friends

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Chapter 14: Lian's Friends

The weather is fine, the sun peeps gently bright and the clouds shiver, a sign that it's gonna rain. Lian and Delly have umbrellas at their bag. They picked it to be prepared incase the rain falls.

That restaurant is still a bit far. Twix St. is really long and you'll really need strong legs to walk that wide and long pathway. Many cars are also seen their of course, it's a big road but you'll also be hearing the sound of those car's "beeps".

Currently, I still tail on them until they reached that restaurant. I didn't get in yet but I waited for all of them to step on its flooring. I notice that Lian and Jolmin are not talking that much while Delly and Abi keep using their phones. They sat near the glass pane of the restaurant while I observe what's happening.

I didn't wait for them to come out so I went home with suspicions.

When I went home, I'm unhappy for the scenes of this day. First, I saw Lian together with Jolmin while walking going to school. Secondly, Lian rejected my offer to walk her home because she'll be hanging out with her friends but with Jolmin. Why I'm not invited?

I ate my dinner with a pale mood for today. My brother is in his room. While I was eating, Lian then chatted me and told the story of their trip in that restaurant.

"Too bad you weren't with us earlier. We had a lot of fun stories with Abi, Jolmin, Delly and Rhea. You still know my friends, Delly and Rhea right? I will be introducing them to you considering the fact that we're already close friends." —Lian's chat

"Why was Jolmin there and I wasn't invited then?" —my reply

"Sorry John if you weren't there. Actually, I asked Delly who to invite. She answered the names, Abi, Rhea, Jolmin, Bert, Theia and Keishley. I've asked then those people unfortunately, Bert said he can't come while Keishley and Theia will be on shopping. Only Abi, Rhea, Jolmin and me approved this hang out. Sorry if you weren't invited because Delly and Rhea might not like your presence. I hope you understand John but don't worry, maybe next days, you can join though!" -Lian's chat

"Ok then. I'm just happy that you're also happy. Jolmin is a good friend too but I'm better." My chat to Lian.

Lian replied, "Of course. You're the best John! Always!"

I got satisfied with her last chat but I don't know if I'll be proud for that. Fine, atleast I'm still special to her, that's what important is.

Then Lian continued chatting with me. She introduced to me the characteristics Delly and Rhea acquire, and even Keishley, Theia and Abi.

I already know Theia and Abi because they're friends of May but we aren't that of closeness.

According to Lian, Delly is an introvert person. Sometimes, she woudn't bother you once you pass by or wave to her. She loves cupcakes and ice cream.

Abi is her close friend same with May. They've been childhood bestfriends, her, Abi and May but in their elementary years, they got separated when May transferred her hometown. They had their reunion when they were grade 9. Abi is indeed beautiful and her real name is "Abegail" but "Abi" is just her nickname. She loves 90's music and is a shy type and quiet person.

Rhea is an intelligent person she said. That's what I only know to Rhea because in our class, she's the top 1 with an average grade of 95.46. Can you imagine that? I just have an average grade of 92.13. A bit far huh? According to Lian, Rhea loves jokes and she always follows pages in social media about humors and laughters. She can also speak slightly French.

After introducing Delly, Abi and Rhea to me, Lian told me that she'll be resting first or just take a nap because the day for her is absolutely tiring. It's 4 in the afternoon and yet I'm also busy though but I had time to chat with Lian.

Right now, I'm reading a book in my room with a romantic story. It's more of deep meaning of words but  I can still understand the flow of the story.

I'm in the middlepart of this book however, I can't finish it today. This book consists of 63 chapters.I'm already in the 44th.

While reading it, I played Polish composer, Frederic Chopin's "Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2" with a peaceful piano rhythm. Base on my researches, the piece was written in the early 1830's. Wow! I have a knowledge in history.

Later then, at around 4:30 PM, Bert chatted me for a lending hand in the assignment, wait, assignment? Oh I forgot! I have an assignment in English. Give the definitions of the different components of research. Even I still haven't worked on the assignment, I still gave all what I can do just to help my friend, Bert.

He became proud to me for helping him in his assignment. Afterwards, I grabbed my notebook to that subject and prepared my phone for researching. I'd also struggle in paraphrasing the given ideas from the internet. Thank God I also accomplished this task.

I remembered my mom and dad. I miss them so much. My dad has passed away before my past girlfriend, May died and my mom is now living with her new partner in the other country. My brother, Brand, is only with me in the house and my pet cat.

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