Chapter 15: Closure of John and Lian

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Chapter 15: Closure of John and Lian

When I went down from my room, the house is tidy and Brand, my brother told me he'll be going somewhere with his friends. He reminded me to watch out for our pet dogs and feed them. "Ok" I whispered to him.

When Brand is about to go out, my friend, Zac, together with Scafford and Theia where there.

"Hello, is John there?" Scafford asking to Brand.

"Yes his there. Come in, come in." Reply of my brother.

I'm just starring at them talking as I wait for my brother to let them in.

My brother got out and Zac, Scafford with Theia came in.

Zac closed the door and I gave them the go signal to take a seat on the couch.

"How's the day going? What brings you here?" I asked.

"Can I ask a favor to you?" Said by Zac.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Me, Scafford, Keishley, Delly and even Lian plan to travel to a beach party, so currently, we're finding people in our school we can invite to accompany us." Said, Zac.

"Oh really? That's wonderful! Who are in the list aside from us?" Me replying with joy.

Zac showed me the list, the party has a payment of $50.00

Beach party attendees on Saturday, 10 AM-5 PM:

*Zac -paid
*Scafford -paid
*Keishley -not yet
*Theia -not yet
*Rhea -not sure
*Delly -paid
*Lian -paid
*Abi -not yet
*Sir Commers -paid
*Altri -paid
*Bert -paid
*Jolmin -not yet
*Claire -paid

"What?" Sir Commers? Our teacher in Science will be participating in our trip?" Me asking Zac with my eyes opened widely.

"We'll also need an adult and besides, Sir Commers is a friendly teacher." Zac's reply to me.

I looked straight to Zac and I don't know what to answer if I'll be going or not. Maybe my brother won't allow me since he'll be alone again doing house chores.

On the other hand, I thought of this trip to be in closeness again with Lian. In our friendship, I don't think we're that of good buddies, just friends but not yet in the point of closeness. Maybe this is a chance to tell various stories of me to her.

I think so.

After all this realizations. I bowed my head and looked to Zac again.

"Yes! I'll be going and I can pay now." I said.

"Well great!" Zac and Scafford's answer.

I got up to find my coinpurse. I stood up and headed to the kitchen where I last placed it. I opened its zipper and picked $50.00, well it's just a small amount for me to spend. I went back to Zac and the rest to hand over my payment.

Automatically, they listed me as an attendee and already paid.

This night, we had talked for awhile, just few conversations about school works. I'm exhausted with school works that sometimes, I skip doing assignments or homeworks.

Following all this conversatiom, we rested our mouths for awhile and I served them a glass of water, 1 for Zac, 1 for Scafford and 1 for Theia.

After having a drink, they decided to leave considering the time, it's already 8 PM.

My brother still haven't got home yet but I'm already sleepy. Shall I wait for him or not?

I decided not to wait, I locked the front door but only the doorknob. Maybe my brother has a key.  Then I went to my room for a relaxing sleep.

(The Next Day)

I woke up at around 5:30 in the morning. My eyes still slightly close and I'm really yawning. I didn't stand my sleepyness that I slept again. At 6 in the morning, my brother woke me up. He kept knocking at my room's door.

I shouted "What the fuck is it brother?"

"Hey dumb, you're getting late for school. Get up now stupid!" He yelled

I got up and headed down stairs to prepare my meal for my breakfast.

My brother scolded me again!

While I was walking going to school, that was by around 6:20 in the morning, Lian called my name. I looked at my back and she is running to me.

"You're late again" She whispered to me.

"As always" My response with humurous reaction

She layed me a smile before putting her face like finding something to think of a conversation.

Everytime Lian talks to me, she'll always be saying something different, like inspirational and sweet words. I wish to make a good decision and end like May where I won her.

By that moment, we were already in the moment of closure. We tackled a lot, we talked a lot making me feel we're indeed close friends. I recommended her stories to read in Wattpad. I showed her some of my artworks and so on.

I didn't want to ask her about Jolmin. I'm avoiding overthinking and I'll be put into shame if I'll do that.

For now, just enjoy the moment I'm together with Lian.

I thought of giving Lian a gift. I have to buy now to lend it at the beach.

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