Chapter 20: Love Twists

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Chapter 20: Love Twists

John's Final Love:

John loved May. he loved May, from all the girls that passed on his eyes but however, he enjoyed being with May just for a short time. Then came Lian, John's new love that he wanted to build more memories with. Both Lian and John are already in the stage of "M.U." or they say as "mutual understanding" and almost being official love ones. But however, Ronalyn came to John where he has to decide among the two.  Who will it be? Lian or Ronalyn?

By 8:05 PM, in Florendo street, that's where Ronalyn lives, John, Jhay and Joey brought her in her house safely. Ronalyn gave so much thankfulness to John for deciding to bring her home. Before leaving, Ronalyn said, "Now, we're friends, now you know my home and the place I expel my heartaches. We can know each other more. Thank you John. Thank you!"

John smiled as if he knew Ronalyn that much. Ronalyn went inside and closed the door of her house. As she closed, she smiled, hoping to find true love.

The next day, at school, John is late in class. Sir Commers, their Science teacher is already teaching when he suddenly arrived. At the door standing, John said, "Good morning sir! Sorry I'm late."

"Why are you late?" Sir Commers asked. "Late sleep sir." John replied and scratched his hair. "Ok, you may take your seat now." Sir Commers commanded. John sitted to his sit and he is beside Scafford.

Then Scafford asked to John, "What happened to you?" "I don't want to talk about it." John answered.

At recess break, John became a bit new, like he doesn't care with Zac nor Scafford, not even to Lian. He didn't care at all even to the people who greet him from the classroom when he was walking in the hallway. They wondered, while Joey and Jhay remained silent. "What happened? John didn't approach us before going to the canteen?" Scafford asked to Zac with hesitations. "I don't know either." Zac said while still thinking of it.

Lian got surprised too at John. While John was walking, he didn't mind Lian. So Lian approached Zac but Zac said that he doesn't know why John was also like that.  Lian decided to chase John going to the canteen. She decided to get near him. As she went down, she saw John buying snacks. After, Lian approached John. "Hi". Lian's intro. "Hi too!" John's reply with a pale mood. "What happened to you? Like you forgot me?" Lian asked to John wondering for his attitude for today.

"I'm so sorry Lian, I just had a bad mood for today!" John replied like being annoyed for the question. "Ow okay. I understand. Can we meet later?" Lian asked. "Ok where?" John replied and asked.

"In a coffee shop again, there in Shin street again. Can you?" Lian said gazing to John.

"Of course, I'll come later!" John said but he replied like he was so shy to Lian.

Then Lian left. John just can't say the feelings he feel right now. He feels so much guilt because he thought of betraying Lian. He cried and can't keep it. He regrets his sin yesterday.

Joshua's Heartaches:

During the recess break, Scafford met Theia in their classroom. "Hi Theia!" Scafford's greet. "Hi too!" Theia's greetings then chuckled while replying to Scafford. Then, Scafford talked and talked to her to entertain Theia until, "Thank you for being with me." Scafford uttered sweetly. Theia replied, "Of course I'm there for you. I'm your girlfriend."

Scafford stopped talking and gazed to Theia like he is so concentrated. He asked with a surprised emotion, "What did you just say? Girlfriend?"

"Yes! I'm now answering your courting to me. You don't need to court me, because you have me now." Theia replied, smiling.

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