Chapter 18: Uncovered Secrets

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Chapter 18: Uncovered Secrets

I arrived now at Lian's house. I knocked three times to the front door and as expected, Lian opened it for me. She was surprised how I came to her house. I told her that she chatted me the place of her house, at Bring St.

She forgot then but quietly, she didn't bother. She let me in with no hesitations.

As I describe, Lian's house is not that quite big but maybe just enough. As I entered, the TV faces me, a sofa and a lamp. There is also a crib between TV facing the front door and sofa facing the TV.

Lian let me sit and handed me a glass of juice. After, she sat beside me and I got the chance to talk to her.

"Why were you absent in class?" I asked looking at her.

"I woke up late." Lian chuckled. "Anyways, do we have an assignment.?" She asked.

"Many, plenty and difficult." I replied like being mad or complaining.

I enumerated one by one the homeworks:

"First, researching about the life of French composer, Claude Debussy, it should be paraphrased and summarized. Second, translate Guy de Maupassant's short story, Necklace and read the First Epistle of Peter, chapters 1-2 in the Bible."

As I was enumerating the homeworks, I was out of my mood. I felt being alone, hating to have a talk and like feeling heavy inside, like I'm gonna have a headache

Lian approached me, she said, "Are you okay?"

That question popped up again but it's Lian then, I didn't like to frustrate her so I just answered "I just had a weird dream."

"It's just an illusion of mind. You don't have to bother but enjoy the day." She said.

"I scratched my hair at my back part and looked at a vase beside the sofa. It represented an aesthetic design. Later, Lian's mother came by going down on stairs, maybe from their room. She said hello to me.

Lian introduced me to her mother, "Mom, he's John, my bestfriend and a classmate" Lian said. "John, my mother, April."

"Nice to meet you!" John uttered.

Afterwards, Lian stood up and told me "I'll be assisting my mom first at the kitchen. Be right back!"

I just sat and observed the surroundings. I noticed they have plenty of family pictures. I stood and starred at them one by one. How beautiful her family is. Lian has a single picture of her who has graduated elementary, a photo with her brother maybe, with her whole family of course.

A little more seconds, Lian and her mom came back to me. I already have to go, I still need to check on Rose Ann's house to know something and to May's house too in order to find that epistle that popped on my dream.

I asked permission to Lian and her mom, April that I'll be already leaving because I'm going to travel to May's house.

I went after the door and immediately got away and they said, "Keep safe John!"

Talking with Friends:

John met Bert, Jhay, Joey and Scafford near Bring St. but farther to Lian's house. Bring St. is actually wide or whatsoever, it's John's first landing there.

After reuniting, they headed to May's house to find answers to John's strange questions. As they walked, all of them were indeed silent, like they don't know each other. So John stole all their attentions by saying, "Hey?" Why aren't we talking? It's like awkwardness we don't create conversations."

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