Y/N: so you moved here, and you don't even know how to say hello in Korean...

James: don't be silly, I at least know how to say hello... *gives it a try* onionhaseyo...

Author: All of you except for James burst out in laughter leaving him confused

James: what? I'm sure I said it right...

Tae: well you'd be very wrong then...

James: *ticks out his tongue at Tae like a child* can I just have my breakfast... then I'll get going...

Y/N: fine... there should be some fruit loops in the kitchen cabinet...

Author: James heads to the kitchen to have his cereal... soon after, he decides it's time to leave...

James: well, I'll be off then... I hope not to see you soon... Tae, look after her well

Tae: You don't have to ask me to...

Y/N: bye James

Clare: Bye James...

James: *waves and leaves with a heavy heart*

Tae: finally he's gone... I should go home too, I need to shower...

Y/N: eat breakfast before you go...

Tae: my toothbrush is back at my apartment...

Y/N: * fetches one from the cabinet * I have a spare, go brush your teeth and have breakfast...

Author: Tae had brushed his teeth, eaten breakfast and made his way back to his apartment with Tan... he wasn't trying to avoid you or anything, he was just planning something special...

Y/N: why was he in such a rush to get home...

Clare: Y/N, his clothes are at his apartment so...

Y/N: anyway... about you... are you ready to start school on Monday...

Clare: *sighs* don't even start... I'm only looking forward to the guys *snicker*

Author: Clare actually has a boyfriend already, they met the first day they moved here, Clare wasn't planning on checking out other guys while dating her boyfriend, but she wanted to make sure Y/N wouldn't suspect until she was ready to tell her...

Y//N: you know what we agreed on... if your school performance is bad I'll send you back home...

Clare: *sarcastic* yeah yeah yeah... I know... the uniform is kinda cute though...

Clare's Uniform:

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Y/N: *sarcastic* well then at least you'll be sent back home looking cute...

Clare: don't worry... I'll find a super cute nerd to help me study...

Y/N: well then you better be focusing on the work and not his face...

Clare: whatever... I'm going to shower...

                                      Tae's POV

Tae: *to Tan* what should I do Tan? I don't know what kind of stuff she likes yet... maybe I could ask Clare... but I don't have her number... *thinks for a while* Ziggy!!!

Author: since Ziggy is small and has a knack for getting involved in everyone else's business, Tae thought he'd be the perfect solution to his problem... so Tae went over to Namjoon's apartment to ask for Ziggy...

Tae: Hi Hyung... could I please have a word with Ziggy

Joon: you want to talk to Ziggy? YOU?

Tae: yes I know it's hard to believe Hyung, but I need a favour from him

Author: ever since Namjoon 'adopted' Ziggy 2 years ago, Tae has always been going on about how it's impossible for an animal to talk... and for that reason, Ziggy really creeps him out...


Ziggy: *no response*

Joon: I guess he isn't home

Tae: do you know where he might be?

Joon: well he has spending a lot of time at ______ lately, maybe check there...

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