Genesis Arc - Ch. Nine: The Guardians' Vigil

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As the Starskiff glided through the skies of Xianzhou Luofu, Y/N and Jingliu prepared for their descent to the Alchemy Commission. The city below was a mosaic of past and future; ancient structures stood side by side with modern marvels, all harmonized under the watchful gaze of Luofu's guardians.

The Alchemy Commission revealed itself like a tranquil kingdom amidst the clouds, its elegant bridges and tranquil waterways a stark contrast to the bustling city. The Commission's spires, crowned with the fiery foliage of autumn, pierced the misty sky, beckoning the Starskiff to its destination.

Jingliu leaned slightly against Y/N, her head resting comfortably against his sturdy shoulder. "I always feel a sense of peace when we come here," she said, her voice imbued with a rare softness.

Y/N looked down at her with a warm smile, his arm instinctively curling around her shoulders. "It's a good change of pace from the chaos we usually find ourselves in," he replied, his gaze lingering on the orange leaves that mirrored the color of her eyes.

The Starskiff's pilots, a pair whose skill was only outmatched by their discretion, expertly navigated the air currents, their silent efficiency allowing the duo a moment of respite. "Brace for landing," one of the pilots called out, his voice a gentle reminder of the task at hand.

Jingliu lifted her head, her pale hair cascading back as she stood up straight, readying herself. "Thank you, Y/N," she said, her eyes locking with his, "for the quiet moments as much as the chaos."

Y/N chuckled, his hand briefly squeezing hers before letting go. "I'll take the quiet moments with you over chaos with anyone else, any day."

Their shared laughter was a soft note that filled the Starskiff, a moment of lightness before the gravity of their mission reclaimed its hold on them. The Starskiff touched down on the Alchemy Commission's landing platform with the grace of a falling leaf, signaling the end of their brief respite.

As they disembarked, the duo's demeanor shifted, the familiarity of their bond giving way to the focus required for the task ahead. They moved with practiced ease, their presence a blend of youthful vigor and hardened resolve.

Stepping onto the platform, they surveyed their surroundings, the Commission's beauty doing little to mask the peril of their mission. Yet, in the face of uncertainty, Y/N and Jingliu found strength in their unspoken promises and the shared glances that said more than words ever could.

"Together, as always," Y/N affirmed, his hand resting on the pommel of his greatsword.

Jingliu nodded, drawing her lightsword with an elegance that belied its deadly purpose. "Together," she echoed.

With the quiet confidence born of countless battles fought side by side, they advanced into the Alchemy Commission, ready to unearth the secrets it held and face whatever unknown dangers awaited them.


Y/N and Jingliu approached the Alchemy Commission with a blend of caution and awe. The structure before them was a marvel of Xianzhou Luofu's advanced design, where ancient aesthetics met futuristic technology. Bridges spanned between floating platforms, gardens in mid-air burst with fall's vibrant hues, and waterways glistened beneath, reflecting the complex like a mirror world.

As they navigated the intricate walkways, the scars of battle marred the Commission's beauty. Jingliu's gaze fell upon the bodies strewn across the ground, some pinned brutally against walls. "What could cause such violence?" she whispered, a grimace crossing her features.

Y/N crouched by one of the fallen, examining the grotesque mutations that twisted their form. "Mara," he said, his voice low and steady. "It's claimed more of our own." The soldiers were unrecognizable, their limbs elongated, skin marred with growths, and eyes empty of sanity.

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