Chapter Forty-Five: Stab

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Y/N slowly opened his eyes, greeted by a landscape that was both familiar and foreign—a blurry vision of what seemed like another memory. The realization dawned on him as unusual; waking up in a place not his own was not a common occurrence. Beside him, IX, a constant in the variable realms of his journey, also surveyed the area with an observant gaze.

What struck Y/N most was the serenity that enveloped him. Despite the oddity of their situation, a sense of calm pervaded his being, a stark contrast to the confusion such scenarios would typically provoke. Glancing at IX, whose presence was as desolate as it was comforting, Y/N recognized the source of his newfound tranquility. IX's aura, a manifestation of absolute Nihility, seemed to clear his mind, honing his focus to a razor's edge.

"Is this the Abyss' doing?" he wondered silently. The thought that the Abyss could refine his mental state to better synergize with IX's nature was intriguing. If true, this was an advantage he hadn't anticipated but was deeply grateful for. In this moment of clarity, IX's presence was not just a boon but a blessing, subtly guiding him closer to his objectives with a tempered mind.

However, as Y/N contemplated this newfound insight, he shook his head, as if to dispel the fog of thoughts clouding his focus. His journey, though enriched by encounters like those with the Progenitor, had been slowed by such reflections. "The readers would likely agree," he mused, momentarily crossing the boundary between his world and that of his audience, a hint of the Flint Emperor's influence weaving through his thoughts.

His mind then wandered to the Heliobi, his erstwhile companion. "I hope it's faring well without me... Though, Lan is with it now," he reassured himself. Considering the Heliobi's ability to thrive in isolation, Y/N concluded that his absence would be but a brief interlude in the grand scale of its existence.

With a renewed focus, Y/N turned his attention to IX, who had comfortably settled on his shoulder. The immediate task was clear: to navigate out of this memory, this fragment of a world. Questions could wait; action could not. "Let's move," he whispered to IX, stepping forward into the uncertainty of the void with a determined resolve.

Only minutes had passed since Y/N began his trek through the vast, encompassing darkness, yet it felt like eons. The void he navigated was reminiscent of the abyssal depths he'd encountered alongside the Progenitor, yet distinctively different in its essence. It was not the Abyss, but a void of another kind—a realm of suspended memories.

Floating amidst the nothingness were shards of glass, eerily similar to those he discovered with Fuli. These fragments, he recognized with a general's acumen, were memories frozen in time. With deliberate care, Y/N extended his mind's reach, gathering the scattered pieces with telekinesis, orchestrating them into a coherent cluster. Each shard, a puzzle piece awaiting its rightful place.

IX observed silently, its interest piqued by Y/N's focused endeavor. But for Y/N, the task at hand was paramount. The shards offered glimpses into past lives, hints that guided his assembly with precision. His experience as a general, coupled with the nuanced appreciation for poetry instilled by Dan Feng, informed his method—a tactical yet graceful dance of memory and strategy.

"And done," Y/N declared, a note of self-congratulation in his voice. Puzzles were not his usual forte, but the challenge was met with a strategist's mindset and a poet's sensibility. The assembled shards now glowed with a dim light, coalescing into a small, hand-held portrait. As he reached out to grasp the floating artifact, a palpable sense of destiny emanated from it, a calling that resonated deep within.

IX, ever the silent companion, floated closer, circling the portrait in a dance of curiosity and contemplation. It then settled on Y/N's shoulder, emitting a buzzing sound of approval—a silent accord for the steps Y/N was about to take.

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