Chapter Four: Whispers of Possibility

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Chapter Image Source: Pixiv Artist "Minty0"/ Pixiv Art Code "111259245"

Edit as of July 19, 2024: I am rereading my previous chapters and couldn't help but cringe at some aspects, particularly the repetition caused by my past self. Even the English is too complex for normal readers. So, I am editing some segments to use more natural vocabulary (screw you again, past self!) and removing repetitions. D:

-Dan Feng's POV-

After meeting with the elders of the Xianzhou Alliance, Dan Feng found himself strolling along one of the ancient bridges in the Exalting Sanctum. This place was famous for its stunning view of the cosmos, where the stars twinkled like diamonds, bathing the bridge in a gentle, otherworldly glow.

Alone, Dan Feng's mind wandered to the days when he and Y/N, his closest friend, would quietly observe the stars from this very bridge. They shared a deep and meaningful friendship, rooted in these peaceful moments and unwavering support for each other.

Y/N, a mighty warrior, would rest against the railing with his enormous greatsword nearby, always ready for any challenge. In these serene moments, their friendship truly shone. Y/N treated Dan Feng not just as the High Elder of Vidyadhara, but as a valued friend whose efforts were crucial to their community.

"Dan Feng, titles and positions are just labels," Y/N had once remarked, his voice deep with insight. "What truly counts is what's in one's heart."

Looking at the stars now, Dan Feng deeply missed his friend's solid presence. With the responsibilities of leadership bearing down on him, he yearned for the simplicity of those nights, standing side by side with Y/N, sharing in the vastness of the cosmos and the closeness of their bond.


In the days after Y/N left, Dan Feng felt an emptiness that seemed impossible to fill. While the alliance respected his power and he carried out his duties as High Elder with grace and resolve, the absence of his closest friend deeply affected him.

During meetings, forming partnerships, and handling the complex politics of the alliance, Dan Feng often missed Y/N's direct and clear approach. Y/N was a decisive warrior who tackled problems head-on, without the burden of titles or prestige weighing him down.

Dan Feng's mind drifted during a particularly intense council session. "Y/N, you always looked beyond titles. You recognized the true value of people."

Y/N had appreciated Dan Feng not just as a leader, but as an equal—a comrade whose contributions went beyond mere authority.

"High Elder, your authority should not be questioned!" Councilor Lin argued during the session.

"Titles may outline our roles, but they don't determine our worth," Dan Feng responded calmly, promoting unity over division. "Everyone's voice here is important."

After the council meeting, in a moment of quiet, Dan Feng gazed at the stars again, silently communicating with his missing friend.

"Y/N, your legacy continues through me," he murmured to the night sky, "and I will uphold it with honor."


Dan Feng, deeply involved in the complex politics of the Xianzhou Alliance, watched the shifting dynamics of power and beliefs among its members. Many in the alliance followed the "Abundance" Path, a philosophy that valued selflessness, altruism, and healing, both physically and spiritually.

As he maneuvered through this maze of alliances and interests, a bold idea started to take shape in his mind—an idea that momentarily seemed beyond reason. What if, he pondered, the principles of abundance and selflessness could somehow bring back Y/N, his dear friend who had given everything for their home?

Bonds of Darkness: Swordmen's RedemptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora