Chapter Forty-Six: Convergence

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Months had unfurled like the petals of a blooming flower since Jingliu's last conversation with Seris. The noble's absence had left a void, one that the siblings seemed to view with a tranquil certainty of her eventual return. Yet, the lack of concern from others did little to quell the stirrings of worry within Jingliu. Resolute, she chose to immerse herself in training, to hush the quiet whispers of concern for Seris.

In the midst of her quest for growth, Jingliu sat across from Yara, the doctor's eyes scrutinizing the detailed notes before her. The faint scent of herbs and parchment permeated the air, a testament to Yara's ceaseless research.

Yara's gaze lifted from her notes, settling on Jingliu with a curious blend of interest and uncertainty. "Jingliu, how do you feel?" she asked, her voice carrying the clinical detachment of a physician.

Caught momentarily off guard by the directness of the inquiry, Jingliu quickly regained her composure. "I am well. Your siblings have been very helpful with their guidance," she replied, her words measured and sincere.

A thoughtful hum escaped Yara as she tapped her notes. "I do not know what Seris did to you, but the Mara in you seems to be cured," she mused, her hand thoughtfully caressing her chin.

The word 'cured' echoed within Jingliu, a wave of disbelief washing over her. "Cured...?" she questioned, unable to grasp the unexpected and uncelebrated liberation from her curse.

"Yes, cured," Yara confirmed, her voice a cocktail of confusion and wonder. "My analyses are thorough, and yet, your affliction has vanished without a trace. You are now free from any curses."

Jingliu's heart should have soared with the revelation, but it remained anchored, heavy with a sense of unease she couldn't shake.

Yara, sensing the need for further investigation, declared her intent to keep a close watch. "I will observe you closely, just in case. Something doesn't feel right," she admitted, her instincts prickling with suspicion. "But continue your training as usual. It will help me understand what's truly happening."

Grateful for Yara's diligence, Jingliu nodded. "Thank you, Yara. My next stop is with Pluto; she said she wants to take me somewhere."

With a wave of her wand, Yara dismissed her, her eyes returning to the spot where Jingliu had been seated. A faint trail of energy, almost imperceptible, caught her attention. Her eyes narrowed, a silent vow to unravel the mystery shrouding Jingliu's sudden cure. The doctor's intuition told her that miracles in this realm were seldom without their shadows.


Y/N's gaze followed the elegant glide of the creatures above, their wings cutting through the air with effortless grace. Yet, where there once was wonder, now a familiar indifference settled within him—an aftereffect, perhaps, of IX's constant presence or the result of growing too accustomed to such extraordinary sights.

Six months had passed within the realm of Idrila, six months that felt like both a fleeting moment and a drawn-out eternity. Progress, it seemed, was an elusive companion to Y/N and his fellow travelers.

The Knights of Beauty, alongside Sandra, had departed to study the spires that rose like natural monuments across the horizon. They held cities aloft, a testament to Idrila's vision of life in harmony, a symbiotic masterpiece of living architecture. The concept was indeed remarkable, Y/N conceded. Yet, the awe-inspiring creation was being overshadowed by an encroaching darkness—a horror unfolding in slow motion.

Each month, the decay became more apparent. The kingdom, once radiant, now bore the scars of a creeping nightmare, reminiscent of his encounter with the Great One.

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