Chapter Sixteen: Unseen Realms

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Chapter Image Source: Elden Ring

In the dimly lit catacombs of the ancient city, the colossal statues guarding the entrance had come to life with a malevolent purpose. Each statue possessed a weapon of immense power, and they advanced upon the figure with a relentless determination.

The first statue, wielding a massive slab that resembled a hammer, raised it high, ready to deliver a crushing blow. The second, armed with a sword that appeared to be hewn from a solid slab of stone, swung it with precision. A third statue, an archer, drew its bow, and a dangerous power coalesced into the form of an arrow that seemed to draw upon an unlimited source.

As for the fourth statue, it brandished a spear that resembled a jagged pillar sharpened to a deadly point. These formidable guardians were not mere stone, but embodiments of ancient power.

The figure, however, was not defenseless. He tapped into the very essence of the enigmatic realm, manipulating gravity itself. With a gesture, he seized the statue wielding the hammer, halting it just inches away from delivering a devastating strike. In a display of superhuman agility, he leaped and sprinted on the statue's arms, swiftly reaching the head of the hammer-wielding statue. With a single, powerful motion, he shattered the statue's head into fragments.

Simultaneously, the statue wielding the massive stone sword swung it in his direction. Despite his incredible reflexes, the figure had just awoken from his slumber, and the sword made contact with his bare hands. He winced in pain as the blade cut into his flesh, a deep wound that began to bleed profusely.

The statue armed with the spear saw an opportunity and charged at the figure with lethal intent. In a desperate bid to evade the impending strike, the figure relinquished his grip on the sword, allowing it to fall to the ground. With newfound urgency, he sprinted through the catacombs, his eyes locked onto a specific target—the archer statue.

The archer statue drew its bow once more, unleashing another arrow with lightning speed. But this time, the figure was prepared. He summoned his telekinetic abilities, deflecting the arrow away from its intended path. With a precise adjustment, he redirected the projectile toward the statue wielding the sword.

The arrow struck with tremendous force, shattering part of the statue's head and sending it hurtling toward the statue with the hammer. The catacombs echoed with the resounding crash as the two statues collided, their once-formidable forms reduced to rubble.

But his actions were not yet complete. The stone sword that had wounded him lay discarded on the ground. With a determined focus of his telekinetic abilities, he lifted the massive weapon into the air. Using his newfound power, he directed the sword with precision, sending it hurtling toward the archer statue.

The stone sword collided with the archer's body, a deafening rumble filling the catacombs as the impact shattered both the sword and the statue. Stone fragments scattered in all directions, adding to the chaos that enveloped the chamber.

As the dust settled, the figure surveyed the aftermath of his actions. Two statues lay in ruins, their formidable presence reduced to rubble and debris. His wounds were healed, and a newfound sense of confidence welled up within him. Though the battle had been intense, he had emerged victorious, and the catacombs held no further threats.

Despite the figure's resourcefulness, he bore the painful consequence of his encounter—a bleeding wound from the sword's strike. He knew that his battle with the statues was far from over, and he steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

The figure watched in astonishment as the wound on his body healed at a rapid pace, the pain vanishing as if it had never existed. His curiosity was piqued by this unexpected turn of events, and he couldn't help but mutter in fascination, "Interesting."

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