Genesis Arc - Ch. Six: The Path of the Blade

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

I apologized for the late update; college bombarded me with assignments...

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The emerald tapestry of the woods, a silent witness to countless dawns, now observed the diligent figures of Y/N and Jingliu, their forms sharp against the soft morning light. The Wanderer's presence, both commanding and nurturing, turned their practice into a sacred ritual of growth and mastery.

"Remember, the blade reflects the soul," he intoned, his voice a grounding force. "True mastery is not just skill—it's the harmony of spirit, mind, and body."

Jingliu, in a stance as strong as the ancient oaks, was the picture of focus. Her red eyes, usually so full of fire, now held a depth of introspection. "Master, I remember the first time I saw the Cloud Knights," she began, her voice a whisper among the leaves. "It was the festival of the stars, and they moved... like they were part of the cosmos itself."

A smile flickered on Y/N's face, his own memories of that day coming to life. "Yeah, they were amazing," he agreed, his grip on his greatsword tightening. "But we're going to be better," he added with the confidence of youth, his tone bold yet tinged with reverence for the path they had chosen.

The Wanderer listened, his eyes reflecting a well of memories. "Ah, the Cloud Knights," he mused. "Graceful, disciplined, and bound by tradition." He paused, then added, "But remember, true strength is not bound by any one style. It adapts, it overcomes."

Y/N and Jingliu exchanged a glance, their young hearts alight with the desire to surpass the knights of yore, to forge a new legend all their own.

"Master," Y/N asked, his brow furrowed with the earnestness of youth, "tell us more of your battles among the stars." His request, sincere and eager, echoed the beat of his warrior's heart.

The Wanderer smiled, his eyes holding the glint of distant suns. "On a world far from here, I learned the dance of blades under a sky that never darkened," he shared, his voice carrying the cadence of an epic long remembered. "It was there, amidst the clash of wills, that I grasped the true essence of control and foresight."

Jingliu listened, her spirit drinking in the tales as a sword absorbs the fire's heat, her noble poise belying the wild drum of her warrior's heart. "And now, we learn from your journey," she responded, her words an acknowledgment of the bond they shared with their enigmatic master.

Their master nodded, and with a fluid motion, he beckoned them to action. "Show me the guard of the Cloud Knights," he said, a challenge in his gaze.

Jingliu moved first, her lightsword carving the air with precision, a dance of light and shadow. Y/N, following her lead, brought his greatsword to bear, mimicking the elegance of the knights with a raw power uniquely his own.

The Wanderer, circling like a hawk, nodded in approval before tapping lightly on Jingliu's side, exposing a small gap. "In the field of battle, hesitation is an ally of your foe," he reminded her gently.

Y/N, eager to demonstrate his own growth, launched into an attack with a controlled ferocity that had been absent in his earlier days of training. The Wanderer, ever the ghost in combat, sidestepped, his movement a lesson in itself. "Control, Y/N," he reminded the boy. "A storm must know where to unleash its might."

As they continued, the Wanderer shared fragments of his own journey—a tale of battles across distant planets, where he learned the truths that now shaped his teachings. "Control comes from understanding," he said, his eyes distant with the recollection. "Anticipation, from experience. And the spirit... it is forged in the fires of both victory and defeat."

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