Genesis Arc - Ch. One: Childish Charms

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EDIT (Please read): Changed and added the name of the arc name to "Genesis Arc", as to not confuse audiences on the transition to Y/N and Jingliu's blossoming saga. Thank you to Fate-Turner72022 and RedShah for giving me suggestions.


The heart of Xianzhou pulsed vividly within the confines of the Xianzhou Cangcheng, a flagship renowned not only for its majestic stature but also for the thriving life it harbored within. A crown jewel among the nine flagships, Cangcheng was a testament to the harmonious blend of times gone by and the promise of the future.

Cobalt skies stretched endlessly, acting as a vast canvas where the radiant lights of neighboring planets and stars painted an eternal masterpiece. But it was beneath this celestial tapestry that Cangcheng truly came to life. Buildings, both grand and quaint, rose elegantly, their silhouettes evoking an intricate dance of tradition and innovation. Eaves of the houses curved delicately, reminiscent of ancient pagodas, while the seamless integration of luminous panels and holographic displays hinted at the technological prowess of Xianzhou.

Streets, paved with a shimmering material that seemed to mirror the skies above, were alive with activity. Laughter of children echoed, their nimble feet darting in and out of alleyways, playing age-old games of tag and chase. The merriment of their voices provided a stark contrast to the stoic demeanor of the Cloud Knights. Clad in armor that glinted with an otherworldly sheen, they patrolled the streets, their presence a reassuring symbol of safety and order. Their footsteps resonated with purpose, casting gentle ripples across the shimmering ground, much like pebbles skimming the surface of a tranquil pond.

Nestled between buildings were open markets, where merchants peddled their wares with animated fervor. Stalls adorned with radiant cloth showcased an array of goods – from exotic fruits that glowed with inner fire to intricate artifacts that whispered tales of distant realms. The air was thick with aromas, a blend of sizzling delicacies, fragrant blooms, and the subtle hint of incense wafting from nearby temples.

Yet, amidst this bustling tapestry of life, there were pockets of tranquility. Courtyards with serene ponds reflected the world around in their glassy depths, while the gentle rustle of trees, bearing luminous fruits, serenaded those who sought solace in their shade.


In the heart of Xianzhou Cangcheng, where streets hummed with the energy of daily life, a small figure, Y/N, threaded his way through the crowd. The innocence of childhood was painted across his face, and in his thin arms, he clutched goods intended for a special dinner that night. His heart, though timid, never missed a beat to greet everyone he passed with a wide smile, each small wave eliciting warm responses from most.

In Cangcheng, not every day was painted with vibrant strokes of harmony and tranquility. The city had its underbelly, and at times, the inexperienced and youthful would fall prey to the intoxicating allure of power and prestige.

As Y/N ambled through the stone-paved streets, clutching a bag of freshly purchased goods, the rich aroma of spices and dried herbs wafting from it, he found himself face to face with a band of newly-minted cadets from the prestigious Cloud Knights. Their gleaming armor reflected the sun's rays, creating an almost halo-like aura around them. Their upright postures and the glittering badges pinned to their chests were clear indicators of their newfound status.

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