Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sibling Sentinel

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

EDIT: Got complaints that the chapter is not loading, so I had to unpublished the chapter, and publish it back. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Y/N stirred from a dreamless slumber; the morning's tranquility shattered by the gentle rustling of leaves. His eyes opened to a world tinged with the soft light of dawn, finding himself seated cross-legged where sleep had claimed him. The serenity that followed the tumult of the previous day wrapped around him like a comforting shawl.

"It's a relief, to be embraced by such quiet," Y/N mused, his voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the morning. He was careful not to rouse Igris and Sandra; the Knight and the princess lay side by side, a picture of guardian and charge. Igris' cape draped over Sandra as a makeshift blanket, his armored form resting against a tree, while Sandra's serene face belied the struggle within her dreams.

A silent joy bloomed in Y/N's chest as he observed them, a poignant reminder of a past not so distant. "It's reminiscent of her," he whispered, memories of Jingliu swaddled in his cape surfacing with a bittersweet clarity.

With a faint smile playing on his lips, Y/N rose, his body unfolding with the ease of a shadow stretching at twilight. He moved through the forest, drawn to a clearing where he could delve deeper into the mysteries of his powers.

As he settled into the open space, Y/N considered his next steps. Defense techniques were a familiar comfort, but it was the offensive where he sought innovation. A shadow barrier was simple enough; however, the balance between defense and offense was a delicate dance he had yet to master.

"One step at a time," he reminded himself, focusing on defense first. His arsenal was not lacking—the ornate dagger, his reliable lightsword of shadow—but it was the greatsword that eluded his complete control.

Y/N's contemplation turned to the blacklight, a remnant of his former self - his once blue-aura - now a fusion of black and white flames. The energy responded to his call, forming a lightsword that sang through the air, its touch leaving no mark, its heat a ghost against the skin.

Trees levitated towards him at his beckoning, standing as silent sentinels awaiting his command. These would be his adversaries, his training partners in the absence of a living opponent. "This will suffice for now," he said, acknowledging the loneliness of solitary practice with a tinge of regret.

With a decisive motion, Y/N brought his lightsword down upon the nearest log. It cleaved through the wood effortlessly, leaving behind the signature burns of blacklight—trees charred from within as if consumed by an inner fire. "They carry an impact indeed," Y/N noted, his mind racing with possibilities. "But what if more power is harnessed?"

He channeled his aura, and the lightsword blazed with increased fervor, its form becoming more defined, more formidable. "Is it the immensity of my aura, or is there an interference?" he pondered, the sword reflecting his own dual nature—shadow and light, creation and destruction.

As Y/N grappled with his thoughts, a familiar voice reached him. "You seem to be struggling with something, my liege."

Igris stood before him, his armor gleaming in the morning light, the weight of his greatsword evident even in its sheathed glory. "Good morning, Igris," Y/N greeted, extinguishing the blacklight and opening his hands in a gesture of peace.

"Good morning to you too, my liege," Igris replied, bowing with a knight's reverence.

Y/N, increasingly uncomfortable with the formal address, requested a more personal interaction. "Igris, when we're alone, as we are now, please call me by my name."

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