Chapter Nine: Frozen Confrontation

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Chapter Image Source: Pixiv Artist "Maone" / Pixiv Art Code "111000219"

In the heart of the nightmarish forest, where twisted branches reached out like malevolent hands, Jingliu's new power unfurled like a beacon of hope. A lunar-tinted barrier, radiant and ethereal, surrounded her with an otherworldly glow. Within this protective shroud floated a small, lunar moon-like object—a Moonlit Guardian. It hovered with grace, its presence a symbol of the moon's serene guidance and the representation of Jingliu's very soul.

The once nightmarish forest, which had cascaded like a tidal wave of despair across the lands, froze in its tracks as if held captive by her newfound presence. The gnarled branches that had ensnared her with malicious intent were severed by the lunar barrier, their frozen remnants falling to the ground like shattered memories.

In the midst of this transformative moment, the ancient dragon, Gogma, observed with a twisted smirk and a gleam of sinister excitement in its eyes. For it had borne witness to something extraordinary—the awakening of Jingliu's true potential, the manifestation of her soul onto the physical realm.

Jingliu herself gazed upon her new sword with great interest and profound excitement. The blade, glistening like the moon itself, held an ethereal beauty that left her in awe. It was a testament to the bond she shared with her dear friend Y/N, who had guided her to this moment.

"Thank you, Y/N," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and determination. "You believed in me, and now, together, we face this ancient foe."

The dragon's eyes, like crimson embers, burned with anticipation as it watched the lunar guardian and the frozen forest. A cruel grin twisted its serpentine lips, and a low, rumbling chuckle escaped its throat.

"So, you've brought forth your soul's essence," Gogma mused, its voice dripping with amusement and a hint of sadistic pleasure. "It has been an eternity since I've had the pleasure of a fight that is worth remembering throughout the annals of history. The last time such a challenge graced my existence was eons ago."

As it spoke, the dragon's immense form shifted, its wings flexing and tail coiling with restless energy. It was a creature of ancient power and wisdom, and the prospect of facing an opponent who could command the very essence of their soul filled it with a wicked delight.

Jingliu, encased within her lunar barrier, met the dragon's malevolent gaze with unwavering determination. She knew that the battle ahead would test her newfound abilities and the strength of her connection with her sword.

With her Moonlit Guardian hovering protectively and the forest frozen in submission to her presence, she took a deep breath, ready to face the ancient dragon and its enigmatic motives head-on. The fate of Xianzhou, and perhaps the world itself, hung in the balance, and Jingliu was determined to emerge from this confrontation victorious.

She pointed her sword at the dragon with a newfound confidence, her voice carrying a snarky edge as she asked, "Ready for round two, Gogma?"

The dragon's crimson eyes gleamed with anticipation, and it let out a rumbling growl that echoed through the frozen forest. The stage was set for a battle that would be etched into the annals of history, a clash of titanic forces where the power of the moon and the dragon's ancient might would collide in a spectacle of cosmic proportions.

-Jing Yuan's POV-

Amidst the unfolding confrontation between Jingliu and the ancient dragon Gogma, another perspective began to take shape within the city of Xianzhou. Jing Yuan, a figure of authority in the council, found himself consumed by suspicion and unease regarding the mission assigned to Jingliu.

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