Chapter Forty-Four: Humility

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EDIT: Changed Chapter title.


Y/N stood; the shadow armor embraced his form—a testament to his newfound acceptance of the dualities within. The armor was a solid manifestation of the Abyss's potential, defying its inherent formlessness with a defined, protective shape.

Helmet in hand, Y/N studied his reflection, the contours of the armor a stark representation of his growth. It was more than a defensive shell; it was an emblem of his resolve and a statement of his might. He understood now how the right image could inspire awe and command respect. Should he return to Xianzhou, Y/N was certain that none, not even the Emanators of Abundance, could penetrate this fortress of shadows.

Seeking validation, Y/N turned to the Progenitor, the First Aeon, whose presence alone was a silent testament to the origins of all existence. "Acceptance, do you think I have achieved it?" His voice carried the innocence of a pupil seeking affirmation from a mentor.

The Aeon's gaze was unwavering, its response cryptic yet insightful. "That is for you to decide. The turmoil within has calmed; you have embraced your nature. Now, consider what lies beyond. What further strides do you wish to take for self-betterment?"

Silence fell before Y/N's reply. "To protect, to show my dedication to those I hold dear," he confessed. It was a candid request, selfish in its singularity but selfless in its intent.

The Progenitor considered his plea, then turned its attention to IX, the Aeon of Nihility, who existed in stark contrast to the vibrant determination before it.

After a moment of contemplation, the Progenitor faced Y/N again, the verdict delivered with a firm "No." The refusal was a stark contradiction to Y/N's request, leaving him bewildered.

"Why? Isn't my reconciliation with my dual nature enough?" Y/N's confusion was palpable. He sought clarity, a reason for the denial that stood before him.

"Your pride swells, and your patience wanes," the Progenitor admonished. "Acceptance is but a step. You must delve deeper, explore further before you are ready to wield such power."

Y/N's frown deepened, then released into understanding. The Progenitor was correct—his eagerness had perhaps blinded him to the journey that still lay ahead. The allure of reuniting with Jingliu was strong, but it should not cloud his path to true mastery.

With a heavy sigh, Y/N's thoughts turned inward, contemplating the nature of his abilities and the learning that awaited him. He recognized that this was akin to starting anew, reminiscent of the days when he first began his training.

The Progenitor nodded, its agreement clear. "The foundations must be revisited, even by a sword master. Does this wound your pride?"

Y/N, in silent acquiescence, acknowledged the wisdom in the words. There was no verbal response, only a nod—a humble submission to the lesson at hand.

"You are driven by impulse," the Progenitor continued, "but to prevail, you must align your strength with strategy. The balance of intellect and might is key."

A grunt of frustration escaped Y/N. It was a sound of defeat but also of consent.

"Then we are agreed," the Progenitor stated. "Let us return to the fundamentals—the essence of willpower."


As the call of the Progenitor resonated through the void, IX, the Aeon of Nihility, emerged. The entity, akin to a living black hole, drifted forward, it's very presence a wellspring of emptiness. The surrounding darkness seemed to gravitate towards it, yearning for the annihilation that it promised.

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