Chapter Three: Echoes of Time

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In the quiet of her chamber, Jingliu found herself in a dream, transported back to a time when the weight of the universe had not yet pressed upon her shoulders. She stood on the balcony of their shared residence, surrounded by the ethereal beauty of stars and galaxies. Y/N, her steadfast friend and protector, approached with a warm smile.

"Jingliu," he greeted, his voice a soothing melody amidst the celestial silence. The balcony's metallic railings, cool against her touch, framed the breathtaking expanse of stars that stretched beyond.

Jingliu welcomed Y/N with a rare, mesmerizing smile that she reserved only for a select few, including him and Baiheng. She marked this moment as precious, knowing that in the vast tapestry of their universe, such moments were fleeting. Her eyes sparkled like distant stars as she basked in the memory.

"Where have you been?" she inquired, her voice a soft echo of curiosity. Her voice, like a gentle breeze, carried the warmth of a long-forgotten summer.

Y/N, the indomitable warrior, chuckled. "I was waiting for Baiheng to return from her exploration of the outer planets." His laughter, like the music of a celestial harp, filled the silence.

Jingliu's expression shifted ever so subtly, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "Oh, I see," she replied, the words laced with mild jealousy. The soft rustle of her clothing as she shifted conveyed her mixed emotions.

Y/N, ever the diplomat, played off her concerns. "It's merely to ensure she returns safely, bringing with her souvenirs from distant worlds." He extended his hand, offering a gift—a bottle of locally made alcohol from a planet they had visited on one of their earlier adventures. The smooth glass was cool to the touch.

Jingliu's heart swelled with appreciation as she accepted the gift. She wrapped her arms around Y/N, her voice filled with warmth. "I wish moments like these could last forever." Their embrace conveyed a bond forged in the crucible of shared experiences and unwavering friendship, and the universe itself seemed to pause to witness it.


Jingliu woke from her dream, still smiling—a rare occurrence for her—as she clung to the memory of that perfect moment in time.

After the vivid dream had woven the past into the present, Jingliu couldn't help but find solace in the memory of Y/N's warmth and camaraderie. With a sigh, she roused herself from her bed, her mind now focused on the pressing matters at hand—the imminent council meeting.

Dressing in her formal attire adorned with the emblem of the High-Cloud Quintet, she took a moment to check her reflection in the mirror. Her dark red eyes bore the weight of the universe, a reflection of the responsibilities she carried as its sword champion. The memories of Y/N, her comrade and friend, served as a reminder of the sacrifices they all made for the greater good.

Stepping out of her chambers, she made her way through the corridors of their ship, each step echoing with purpose. The council meeting was inevitable, and she was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The faint hum of the ship's engines reverberated through the walls, a constant reminder of their journey through the cosmos.

As Jingliu entered the council chamber, her presence commanded attention. She knew that the council members would look to her for guidance, for her leadership as the current sword champion of the High-Cloud Quintet. The dream may have unearthed memories of the past, but the present demanded her unwavering focus and determination.

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