Chapter Seven: The Unseen Threat

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Jingliu had embarked on her mission to investigate the Bloodshot War Wyverns, leaving the opulent capital behind for the rural areas of Xianzhou Luofu. The transition between these two worlds was palpable. Here, the villages clung to their ancient traditions, and life felt like a journey back in time, as if she had stepped onto a different planet altogether.

As she journeyed deeper into the region, Jingliu couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the capital's splendor and the simplicity of rural life. The people here lived close to the land, their clothing woven from natural fibers, and their homes adorned with traditional symbols. Each step she took seemed to transport her further from the technological marvels of the capital and closer to the heart of Xianzhou's cultural heritage.

But what struck her most profoundly was the palpable sense of hopelessness that hung over the villages like a heavy, oppressive cloud. The villagers' faces carried the weight of despair, etched with lines of worry and exhaustion. Their eyes, once bright with vitality, were now clouded with a weariness that spoke of daily struggles.

Approaching one of the villagers, Jingliu inquired about the situation, concern etched on her face. The villagers responded with a feverish intensity, their eyes filled with anger.

"You see, warrior, we've been living off this land for generations," the villager began, voice trembling with frustration. "Our families have toiled in these fields, our ancestors before us. But now, it's all rotting away, and we can't explain why!"

Another villager, overhearing the conversation, chimed in with bitterness in their voice. "We sent word to the capital, to the officials who sit in their grand chambers, but what help have they sent? None!"

A third villager, their hands clenched into fists, added, "We've lost our livelihoods, our way of life. It's not right, I tell you!"

Listening carefully to their grievances, Jingliu frowned, comparing the dire conditions she witnessed to the reports she had received just a few months ago. The discrepancy was unsettling. She knew that something was amiss, and the suffering of these communities weighed heavily on her heart.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Jingliu asked, her voice gentle.

The first villager sighed, a mix of frustration and resignation in their eyes. "We appreciate your concern, but these are troubled times. We've tried everything, and nothing seems to stop the rot from spreading."

When she asked about the Wyverns, the villagers responded with open fear, their voices trembling.

"Those accursed Wyverns," one of them said, "they've been terrorizing us. They're just a few kilometers away, and we fear for our lives. We seek shelter whenever they come."

Jingliu took in the information, understanding the gravity of the situation. She thanked the villagers for their openness and assistance, realizing that her mission to investigate the Wyverns would not only involve confronting these creatures but also unraveling the mysteries behind the sudden turmoil that had befallen these rural communities.

With a heavy heart and a renewed sense of purpose, she continued on her journey, determined to uncover the truth and bring an end to the suffering that had befallen the villages.


As Jingliu delved deeper into her investigation, her keen eyes and sharp instincts led her to discover mysterious clues that hinted at a larger, hidden threat. These clues would eventually point her towards a more significant conspiracy lurking in the shadows.

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