Chapter Twenty-Seven: Echoes of Resilience

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The atmosphere in the base was thick with tension and melancholy. The echo of laughter and merriment from days gone by seemed a distant memory. Baiheng's infectious humor and Y/N's unique observations had vanished, leaving a palpable void.

Seated around a round table, the remaining members of the High Cloud Quintet waited with bated breath for Jingliu to speak. Jing Yuan's piercing golden eyes met hers, seeking an explanation. Beside him, both Ying Xing and Dan Feng waited, their expressions a mix of concern and anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, Jingliu announced, "I believe it's time to disband the High Cloud Quintet."

The weight of her words hung heavily in the air. Though the members of the Quintet weren't completely taken aback given Jingliu's recent unpredictable demeanor, the finality of her declaration still sent ripples of shock.

Jing Yuan, ever the understanding deputy, spoke up, "I see your reasons and respect your decision."

Ying Xing, his eyes reflecting gratitude, added, "The High Cloud Quintet gave my artisanal work the recognition it deserved throughout Xianzhou."

Dan Feng, the wise elder of the group, commented, "Had I not been part of this group, I'd still be that self-centered elder, as distant as the moon. I understand."

Jingliu, always composed, nodded in acknowledgment. "Then it's decided. The High Cloud Quintet is officially disbanded."

As Dan Feng and Ying Xing made their exits, Jing Yuan lingered. Sensing his unspoken question, Jingliu prompted, "Ask away."

Taking a moment, Jing Yuan finally said, "Where will you go from here?"

She gazed out towards the horizon from the balcony, her eyes lost in the vast expanse. "I seek answers," she replied cryptically.

Jing Yuan paused, recognizing the familiar secrecy that she and Y/N often shared. Respectfully, he nodded, wishing her well on her journey. "May you find what you're looking for," he whispered, leaving the Sword Champion to her solitude.


The hollow echo of footsteps resonated through the corridor as Dan Feng journeyed deep in thought. His contemplative stroll was interrupted when Ying Xing, with a grace unexpected for someone of his age, joined him. Without wasting a moment, the Artisan broached the subject of the old proposal Dan Feng had made.

Stopping abruptly, Dan Feng pivoted towards Ying Xing, his green eyes piercing the old man's soul. "Not here," he whispered, leading the way to a more clandestine chamber. This room, free from the scrutiny of unwanted eyes and ears, was austere in its appearance. As Ying Xing stepped in, a sudden darkness engulfed them.

And then he appeared – The Pontiff. A figure both majestic and macabre. Adorned in ceremonial robes, jewelry gleaming in the dim light, his deteriorating, pale skin was marked by extensive cracks. The oppressive aura he radiated rendered the room cold.

"Xianzhou's prized Artisan has arrived," the Pontiff remarked, his voice echoing an ancient enigma. Ying Xing looked bewildered. "What do you mean?" he asked, turning to Dan Feng.

After a pause, Dan Feng replied, "This entity before you is central to the plan I proposed. The objective? To harness the power of Permanence, the Ambrosial Arbor, and the Dragon's gem to transform the Vidyadhara's essence, enabling them to conceive naturally with other beings."

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