Twenty One // Paint.

Start from the beginning

Calum had claimed he wasn't hungry and instead had ordered a lime milkshake which to me smelt utterly delightful.

"So do you want to paint when we get back home?" Calum asks and I nod in response. "Oh babe I forgot to tell you. Mali called this morning and wants-"

"Luke." I say completely interrupting Calum.

"What?" Calum frowns. "Not Luke, Mali." Calum says and I shake my head at him.

"No." I tell him letting out a laugh. "I heard you Cal but Luke is right over there." I explain pointing over to where Luke currently was. He was standing by his car looking a little nervous which only made me curious.

"What is he doing?" Calum asks though I know he's not expecting an answer.

"Come on." I say standing from my chair and grabbing my bag. "Lets go say hi." I really didn't see the point in us just sitting there and staring at him.

Calum doesn't say anything instead he stands from his seat and follows after me.

"Hey Blondie!" I yell getting Luke's attention. His head whips toward Calum and I and a smile lights up his face.

"Oh hey." Luke waves before we reach him. "Fancy seeing you two here." Luke mumbles biting down on his lower lip. Something seemed weird with him...or maybe I was just imagining it.

"Yeah." Calum chuckles giving Luke a funny look. "I thought you were going to visit Ben and Abby?" Calum asks. I did remember Calum mentioning that Luke was going to visit his older brother and wife for a couple of days but yet here he was?

"Uh change of plans." Luke shrugs looking awkward. "What are you two doing?"

"We just chose paint for the nursery." I tell him excitedly getting grins from both the boys.

"That's awesome. When are you going to start painting?" Luke asks raising his eyebrows in curiosity, knowing Luke he probably wanted to help us paint.

"Today." Calum says taking a sip of his milkshake. I really didn't even know how he still had any left.

"That's cool." Luke nods looking a little on edge. What was this boys problem? "I hate to do this to you two but I actually need-" Luke cuts himself off as he looks behind us. "Shit." He grumbles.

Calum and I both give him looks of confusion before following his gaze which was currently focused on a very pretty brunette who was on her way towards us.

"One minute." Luke tells us then hurries over to the mystery girl.

"Do you think that's Katie?" I ask Calum who gives me a small grin before nodding.

"That's definitely Katie." I turn my focus back to Luke and the brunette who may or may not be Katie.

They were exchanging words and Luke looked flustered as the girl smirked at him. Luke says something before she rolls her eyes and then walks over to Calum and I.

"Hi. I'm Katie." She introduces herself giving us both a genuine warm smile.

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Genie." I introduce and her eyes widen.

"Genie! Oh and you must be Calum." Katie beams turning to Calum as Luke reaches us looking very nervous.

"That's me." Calum replies giving her a smile.

"I've heard so much about you two and I've honestly been dying to meet you but someone." Katie pauses only to shoot Luke a quick glare. "Doesn't seem to want me to meet his friends."

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