Chapter 12

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After the incident, Stolas was taken to the hospital as many news reporters were taking pictures and shoving cameras at everyone while some doctors and nurses took Stolas into the hospital while avoiding the paparazzi. I was taken back to the hotel as Charlie got to work on fixing me up. She made the same potion and used some healing spells on me.

She finished and placed the covers over me as I rested into a deep sleep.

Octavia was crying since she was worried about her father and Vaggie tried to console her.

"Don't worry, your father will be okay." Vaggie says as she hugged her.

"Why would my mother do something like that to them?" Octavia says.

"Because she's an evil Karen." Angel says while snickering a little while he drinks some whiskey.

"Shut up Angel! You're not helping!" Vaggie shouted.

Angel calmly leaves to his room. Charlie came back and felt sympathy for Octavia.

"Is Stan alright?" Vaggie asked.

"He's alright. He's resting." Charlie asked.

"Stolas said Stella took his Grimore. And now we can't be able to take Stan back to the living realm."

"I'll figure something out. Right now, he can stay for a while till we can help Stolas get his Grimore back. Charlie says.

"I hope. I'm going to take Octavia to a room for her stay." Vaggie says as she leaves with her.

2 days later...

I was in a nightmare. Stella pinned me to the wall, while she had a dagger in her hand. She gave me an evil smirk and stabbed me in the chest.

I jolted awake as I grabbed my chest and there was no wound. I breathed in relief as I looked around that I was back in my hotel room.

"Guess I'm back." I said as I got out of bed and noticed a new pair of glasses that match my prescription lenses to see through.

I put on my glasses and heard Charlie knocking on the door.

"Stan? Are you awake?" She asked.

"Yeah, come in." I answered.

She came and gave him a hug and I froze by surprise by it.

"Are you alright?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah. I'm alright." I answered.

"Are you sure? Because that was a horrible thing you went through." Charlie asked while persistent

"I went through many things like that before." I answered her while I gave her a small smile to help her understand.

As time passed, I had some breakfast with the others. I was a little down that I wasn't able to make it back home yesterday since Stella ruined that chance just to attack Stolas over a divorce battle and whatever Stolas did to piss her off so much. Now, I don't know how to get home since she has the Grimore from now on, but Charlie is planning to get back at Stella and get the book back to take me home.

Octavia and I played a game of checkers since Vaggie asked me to be with her to help her from her trauma for what her mom did. She stayed quiet while she played, I didn't know what to say to her to start a conversation since it was too much for her.

"Why would my mom do something like this?" She quietly asked.

"Because she's evil. Have you ever had a motherly bond with her?" I asked.

"Not really. She never wanted to be with me. She thinks I'm a burden and an annoyance to her. My father was the one who cared for me." Octavia explains.

"I'm raised by anthro Wolves. Never knew my actual parents." I explained.

"You mom was nice?" Octavia asked.

"Oh she always wanted me to be around to do stuff with her. Wonder why Stella isn't like that?"

"Well, my father had to marry her by my grandfather to keep the Goetia bloodline going in hell. My father didn't even love my mother since she's a horrible sociopath. And here I am. The next Goetia child living in a home that I always keep hearing yelling and pots smashing every day and since they are married, things got worse." Octavia explains as she looks down.

"Sorry." I said with sympathy.

"It's alright." She says as she tries to smile as we continue playing checkers.


"What do you mean they got away?!" Stella shouted with rage on the phone.

"Well, madam. The princess of hell and her friends attacked us and the human child freed him. But don't worry we will kill Stolas when we have a chance." Striker explained while sweating nervously.

"Kill Stolas! And if you find that human child, bring him to me so I can kill him in the most horrible way for ruining everything!!" Stella says as she slams the phone.

"Problem?" Andrealphus asked.



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"Nothing!" Stella shouted while walking away in rage.

"She has issues." He says to himself.

The Hazbin Hotel: A Hell adventure.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant